Until recently I used The Bat solely to access my mails via POP3. I
loved it! Since I am now working on several machines I would like to
use the extra features of the IMAP protocol (synchronization
benefits). All I can say so far is that TB's current IMAP support is
too deficient to be practically used.

I don't even know where to start pointing out problems there. Some
experiences in random order:

I choose Account "Dispatch Mail on Server->All Messages. Here I find
the "Mailbox controller" where I am supposed to direct the IMAP
folders to local TB folders. Well... with INBOX->Inbox receiving mails
works fine, though with SENT->Sent I don't receive any mails, even
though the IMAP SENT folder contains mails with the "receive"
attribute. Even worse, when I add/delete folders in the mailbox
controller (alas I wonder what it does really "control") the view is
not updated, even not when I do "refresh status". To make things
horrendous, having deleted a IMAP folder, and then trying to receive
mails again from TB makes TB crash. Why? Because it still tries to
connect to the non-existing IMAP folder. It quits with an exception
faults. A quick look in the mail-setup path reveals that there is a
little text file called ACCOUNT.IMP which still contained the IMAP
folder that I thought to have prior deleted in the mailbox controller.
Editing this file by hand still led to a crash when I attempted to
receive mails. Only after I deleted another file, ACCOUNT.M_R which
contained two lines, first line the folder name of the folder that I
deleted, and second line an ascii "0", TB was able to receive INBOX
mails without a crash.

Another limitation is that TB seemingly only wants to download mails
with the "receive" attribute. There is no way to force it to download
mails with the "read" attribute by default (e.g. in the account
properties), only the cumbersome way through the Message Dispatcher
and every time manually (!) changing the Message flags to "receive"
allows me to download those mail. Now, this is really stupid speaking
of synchronization. If I have downloaded mail from one computer via
IMAP protolcol and read it there, the mail is set to "read".
Downloading this mail to my second computer doesn't work then because
TB ignored mails with the "read" flag by default. Ideally, to
synchronize mails, one should be able to:

1) access the IMAP folder INBOX from computer A. Mails sent from
computer A should be stored in IMAP folder SENT. This computer A is
accessed occasionally, e.g. only on work.

2) access the IMAP folder INBOX from computer B. This is my computer
at home where I actually want to keep my mails. Here I also want to be
able to download those mails that where already read by computer A
(hence have the "read" flag). Furthermore, there should be an option
that on this computer the downloaded mails can be erased from the IMAP
folder since no further synchronization to another computer would be

Ok after the long talk, here is my quick & dirty solution: Though
there are many features I will miss from using TB (I have happily used
TB for over half a year), I cannot accept its limited & buggy IMAP
implementation -- and am thus forced to switch over to M$ Outlook,
which flawlessly offers the kind of IMAP synchronization I was earlier
speaking of.

A disappointed ex-TB user.

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