Hello TBUDL,

  The message content macro %LANGUAGE = "Language ID" allows to set
  the spell checker language.
  The help file indicates the language IDs for many languages, but
  some are missing:

  Does anybody know what are the language IDs for
  - German (Old spelling)   [shipped as a part of TB International pack]
  - German (New spelling)   [shipped as a part of TB International pack]
  - Slovak                  [CSAPI]


  Obviously TB does not follow RFC3066/ISO639 about tags for the
  identification of languages!!!

Best regards,

[ the sig delimiter left TB correctly formatted! ]
[ TB! 2.10.01, Windows ME 4.90 Build 3000, Pentium 233Mhz with 95MB ]

Current version is 2.10.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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