Dear Alexandre,

@11-Jun-2004, 15:30 +0200 (11-Jun 14:30 UK time) Alexandre Vialle
[AV] in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said to Marck:

AV>>> well I thought version 2 would be better. Now I wonder what
AV>>> will happen to me next...

MDP>> this:

MDP>> <moderator> Note: This moderator's interjection is a note to
MDP>> all readers and not just to the person being replied to, even
MDP>> if their post may have instigated this reply. Please don't
MDP>> feel singled out Alexandre.

AV> Why should I?

I don't know why you should, but you clearly did! :-/. Oh well.

MDP>> This posting violated the list rules regarding top posting.

AV> Oh, this sounds really bad. I didn't feel like I was violating
AV> this list's rules. In fact I was much more preoccupied by my
AV> problem, rather than any rules rape. But please accept all my
AV> excuses.

That's very kind of you. Thank you.

... <snip>

Cheers -- //.arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator and fellow end user
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