Hello All,

After years of absolutely hassle-free TB! use I've recently
encountered odd behavior when searching for messages.  This has only
started in the last 2 weeks.

Whenever I do a search for messages in a folder that contains a
subfolder (the subfolder option is checked) not all of the matches
appear in the results window. For instance, the status bar will show
"4 messages found in 2 folders" but only 2 messages will appear in the
results window.

To do a little testing I then did a search using the same criteria in
the subfolder and the missed messages do appear.  Thinking maybe
something got corrupted I installed 1.6 but it didn't solve the

As far as I know I haven't changed a single setting.  Does anyone
happen to have any suggestions?  This feature is one of favorite
aspects of the TB! and I use it almost daily.

Best regards,

Current Ver: 1.60c
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