Hello Nick,

TB! 1.38e
PGP 6.5.2i
PGPkeys runs from any dir od disk (i mean, that path is OK)

Selecting menu Tools-PGP-Key Manager reports error "Unable to locate
the PGPkeys application"

And one more thing. When trying to use menu
Tools-PGP-Preferences-Files it shows blank fields of placement of main
PGPG files, but in the same time original PGPkeys, running from PGP
directory shows (by the way different dialog than Preferences in The
Bat!) correct files path.

I guess that it's something wrong, but what exactly ?!

> On Thursday, January 13, 2000, 1:08:01 AM, Alex Sanyukovitch wrote:

>> Hello Alexander,

>> Thursday, January 13, 2000, 6:03:19 AM, you wrote:

AAG>>>  Master, may be U know why PGPkeys doesn't run, inspite of correct
AAG>>>  path etc ? :-)

>> Sorry, I do not use PGP, so I can't help you :-((

> What, if any, error messages are you getting when you try to access PGP Keys
> through Tools/PGP/Preferences on the main toolbar, or Privacy/Preferences on
> the toolbar in the composition window?

> Nick

3AHO3A <[EMAIL PROTECTED]|2:5012/18.2>

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