On Monday, December 22, 2003, 10:59:45 PM, Marck D Pearlstone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

MDP> Hi Jwayne,

MDP> @22-Dec-2003, 22:41 -0500 (23-Dec 03:41 UK time) jwayne said:

>> (regarding template re-evaluation for header fields)

MDP> Just touch the message body once. As long as it is modified you can
MDP> change the TO header at will and it will stick. If the body is
MDP> unmodified, the template is re-evaluated when you move from header
MDP> to body to take account of any changes required to the body due to
MDP> re-addressing. In your case, the template re-evaluation causes the
MDP> To field to blank.

Yep, that does the trick - thanks!


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