My setup is essentially similar. I use a common data folder, not on a separate
partition though. I also set up the same TB accounts so that they use
the same mail base. I don't see any reason for TB to behave this way

Could you tell me what your security permissions for the MAIL and TB
folders look like? And have you ever noticed TB try to do some
processing in the temp folder? Perhaps one of the developers, if
they're on the list, could provide an answer to that last bit?


Wednesday, October 23, 2002, 10:47:25 AM, you wrote:

S> I  have  multiple  profiles  set  up for various uses. For example, I have a
S> design & authoring profile and an Internet profile and a main profile, and a
S> testing  profile. I access my mail from each one. I launch TB! from the same
S> installation  folder, and the mail base is stored under a common data folder
S> on a partition. When logged into each profile I set up the same TB! accounts
S> so  that they all use the common mail base. I never have problems like this,
S> and  it  means I always have access to my mail... which is most important of
S> course <g>
S> - --
S> Slán,

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