Hi Allie and TBUDLers,

Sunday, June 6, 2004, 10:26:50 PM, you wrote:

A> Sl, [S] wrote:

S>> I am writing this from my (and Allie Martin's) alternate mailer as
S>> TheBat (on my PC) is flightless at present.

S>> I have submitted a bug report to Ritlabs which in short says that I got
S>> database reading error reports ...Attempts to repair the base did not
S>> work or resulted in TB (ver 2.11.02 on Win 98) seizing up.  ..then
S>> 'Run-Time' error messages

A> Are you using IMAP or POP accounts here?

Three accounts in TheBat!: two POP3, and my main one, IMAP4.

As you may see I am writing from TheBat! again (not Thunderbird this
time), as I have got the TheBat! up and running again. I did another
new/clean install (ie not an install over an existing installation)
but this time I have pointed TheBat to anew directory (in My
Documents) to store email data.(Maybe some conflict arose from
something in my previous E-Mail data store??...and the restoration
from backup??) The settings and mail came from restoration of my most
recent backup: about 2 weeks old....But that doesn't bother me too
much as the emails I wanted were still on the mail server... (a
benefit of IMAP over POP I guess....)

I will see how it goes...

To be fair, I should say I have had very few problems with TheBat! in
the 2-3 years I have been using it, although I am still on a reasonably
steep learning curve with IMAP (since I went to FastMail a few months
ago).  I am also just learning about Virtual Folders...altho I am
comfortable with the concept as I use Lotus Notes (no choice) at work
(where the 'folders' are in fact 'Views', which I assume is synonymous
with 'Virtual Folder').

Thanks for your interest: 'Appreciated.

 Steve Love                        mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

02:30 Monday, 7 June 2004

Using The Bat! v2.11.02 (Protocol:usually IMAP)
on Windows 98 4.10 Build 2222B

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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