>> Somebody  disturb my mailbox with useless mails. Can I remove these mails on the
>> server  with a TB feature instead of downloading them. First I had made a filter
>> on  his  address  but  the  problem  is that the mall is downloaded before being
>> destroyed, therefore a download long and useless!

C> A filter which filters before downloading is called "selective
C> download". That's what you need. What you tried was a "normal" filter.

C> In your versions it's called "Téléchargement sélectif".

Account ->> Sorting Office/Filters -> Selective Download

Thanks.  It's  really what I need ! Just a little problem, I think it could be a
good idea in a new version of TB to have the possibility of sending an auto mail
to  the  sender  that  I  automatically  kill his mails. Like the features named
"Action"  in  ordinary filters. If not, the sender never knows what I've decided
to do with his mails. In case of friends who send me too much jokes of 5 or 6 Mo
per  day  of  course, for spammer I don't mind. Suppose one of this mail is very
important,  without  automatic  answer  like  "Your  mail has been automatically
killed - If it is important, try to phone the person...", I become unreachable.


TB 2.11.02
Windows XP
Service Pack 1

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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