> Hello Marten,

> Thursday, May 18, 2006, 1:58:32 PM, you wrote:

MG>> I have spent two days now feeding BayesIT and adjsuting the limits etc.

MG>> I have imported a whitelist and added to it, I have the regex filters
MG>> installed, I have imported a blacklist.

MG>> Still it fails to pick up half of the spams arriving.

MG>> Are tohers more successful with theior installations?

> I used to use it.  I moved to Agvara ant think it (mostly) works
> better.

> I found that it took a **LOT** of mail to train it.  I kept at least
> 1,000 spam and 1,000 ham messages around just to train it.  I got it
> to better than 80% without using a white or black list and I *NEVER*
> got a false positive with it.  Agvara gets about 95% of my spam but I
> do have to go through the spam because I get the occasional false
> positive with it.

Hmmm thnaks all for the comments.

Have ditched it and gone back to Agava - tks

Marten Gallagher
Annery Kiln Web Design
Using The Bat! 3.80.06
with POPFile 0.22.4
on Windows XP 5.1 

Current version is 3.80.06 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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