Hello Mrten,

Wednesday, October 31, 2001, 5:43:40 PM, you wrote:

M> well, there are traces of course... shortcuts perhaps on your desktop,
M> temporary files left behind...

Yes, not to mention the registry..  Temporary files I'd hope would go on to
the encrypted drive when TB is installed there..  The shortcut can be
hidden (or start from the Start-Run prompt). While this wouldn't fool the
CIA, it would fool a co-worker who would typically look for
Outlook(Express) if he/she wanted to see you email.  (Note that this is
pretty much the ONLY reason to keep Outlook (curses!) around :-))

M> personally, i would never trust an PGPdisk with all my email. since
M> all data is saved in one file, one corrupted byte will, worst-case,
M> deny me access to all my important stuff (remember DoubleSpace?). same
M> goes for a wrong press on 'del'.

I've used if for about 2 years, through some crashes, power cuts and so on.
So far no disasters. But I agree you do have a point. There's an advantage
to the one-file thing too: you have just ONE handy dandy encrypted file to
back up, containing all your important data. Just drag it to a second
harddrive, a zip drive, etc. And, your backup will already be encrypted!

M> PGPdisk is useful, in my opinion, for use on a laptop whilst
M> *transporting* datafiles.

M> perhaps you should look into SecureBat for ultimate security?

Yes... I will..  but PGP has been under development for decades. SecureBat
is very promising, but it is new. There will be weaknesses. So even with
SecureBat I'd probably still install it on a PGP-Disk.

M> i think i have a tendency to go off-topic on this list, apologies :)

I don't think that's bad.. None of us knows all there is to know about
e-mail security (least of all myself), so the more we talk about it, the
more people are going to learn something.  If someone knows a better
PGPDisk type of software than PGPDisk, by all means don't hesitate to
inform me.


| Han Thomas               25/1 Moo 2 Pa Bong, Saraphee    |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]            Chiang Mai 50140 THAILAND       |

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