9/27/2003, 9:09 PM: Allie said in "Quick Search & Folder Navigation"

AM> Allen, [A] wrote:

A>> I  often find myself wishing that I could display the Quick Search
A>> toolbar in the 'view folder' window.

AM> Same here. I've been wanting this feature for a very long time.

Is  it in the BT wishlist? I'll double check and submit it . . . can't
hurt to try.

A>> I'd  like  to,  at  least, have the option have folder view behave
A>> similarly,  allowing  me  to seamlessly move from folder to folder
A>> chasing unread messages.

AM> I share your sentiments as well.

Maybe I'll wish list that, too, then . . .

AM> However, as an alternative to this, I view all new messages in a single
AM> separate window. This is the Window that displays all ticker messages
AM> for browsing. You could configure the ticker to display unread messages
AM> for particular folders. Double click on the ticker, or use your
AM> configured hotkey to bring up the ticker virtual folder. Enable
AM> View/Message List. You can also enable the 'Folder' message list column
AM> so you get an idea of which folder the messages are from. You could also
AM> sort according to folder so that the messages from particular folders
AM> are clustered together. In this way, you're browsing new messages
AM> without having to move from folder to folder. Works very well for me.

That  wouldn't  work  so well, for me, though . . . I suspect that, in
your case, the mail ticker is more or less a permanent fixture on your
desktop? I only display my Inbox and Inbox - Known folders. Basically,
only    'personal'    stuff   appears   there.   When   I'm   skimming
folder-to-folder  for  unread messages, it's usually my TB newsgroups,
my  RSS  subscriptions  [IMAP  via  blogstreet],  and  my  usenet  via
mailgate.  This  is  a  bunch  of  messages  that  I don't really need
broadcast  on  the  ticker,  as  I  already  just assume they're there
waiting for me to get to them -- so that work-around won't really work
so  well  for  me.  Subsequently,  I  end up having to ctrl+alt+g then
select  the next folder manually. Which, of course, is not big deal in
and  of  itself . . . BUT it seems that there /could/ be a better way,
quite  easily.  And  as  a  long-time TB user, I'm spoiled rotten -- I
expect there to be a quicker way to do pretty much every thing . . .

  | Peace, Be well
  |   Allen
  | http://jarday.com | http://theprawn.com
  | Running The_Bat! version 2.00.18
  | with Anti-Spam Plugin BayesIt! 0.4fm
  | Windows XP Service Pack 1 build 2600

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