Did you copy him with this note?  I would be curious to his response
if you did.

March 08, 2002, 17:04:50, you wrote:

> He has two major issues, in both of which he has missed the point of        
> what TB can really do.                                                      
> 1) Identities. The Bat! doesn't have clearly defined "identities" like      
> he's used to because they are completely fluid in The Bat!. He's            
> looking for something concrete that has been made so flexible that he       
> can't see that it does *much* more than he's looking for. In TB,            
> identities can be imposed by defining a template which sets the             
> "From:" and "Reply-To" data dynamically. This can be per account, per       
> folder, per destination or per QT. You can define an "Identity" at a        
> folder level but that's just the tip of the iceberg.                        
> 2) Filters. He listed what he does. It's less than 50% the capacity         
> and complexity of my system in TB. I have 3.5 GB of email, all sorted       
> just as dynamically and automatically.                                      
> He hasn't even gone into colour groups, which so blow away Eudora's.        
> He certainly hasn't looked at the FAQ to get a flavour of what the          
> macros can do.                                                              
> - --                                                                        


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