Hello Allie,

Wednesday, June 9, 2004, 8:58:22 AM, you wrote:

AM> Sl, [S] wrote:

S>> On another matter...re ThunderBird vs The Bat!...tell me again
S>> Allie (and others) what you see as the merits/demerits of both.


AM> I think my having to use ThunderBird has been misunderstood.

AM> There are many features in TB! that ThunderBird lacks and I don't see
AM> them as nice features to just have anyway.


AM> I'd never really entertain comparing the two once you're up and going
AM> with reading mail as I now am with TB! at work. Now that TB!'s IMAP
AM> works well enough for me to read mail from work, the thought of using
AM> ThunderBird is now laughable. They simply don't compare once we get
AM> beyond basic fetching and reading of messages.

So, I take it you prefer The Bat over T-Bird ....  ;-)

[Seriously tho...ta for your thoughts..  ]

 Steve Love (basic fetcher and reader ;-)

20:18 Wednesday, 9 June 2004

Using The Bat! v2.10.03 on Windows 98 4.10 Build 2222B

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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