Hello Marck,

It was reported that on or about Wednesday, the 13th of November,
2002 at 16:44:11GMT +0000 (which was 11:44 AM in the Cayman
Islands where I live) Marck D Pearlstone postulated, ruminated
and made these salient points on the important subject of "Using
%WRAPPED macro":

MDP> You can use any matching characters as quote marks in TB's macro
MDP> language:

MDP> %wrapped='%qinclude="QTNAME"'
MDP> %wrapped=/%qinclude="QTNAME"/
MDP> %wrapped='%qinclude=_QTNAME_'

MDP> All of these work.

MDP> What doesn't work is the %wrapped macro <g>. Well, it works, but
MDP> stops at the end of the first paragraph of inserted text. There are
MDP> some examples of recursive wrap macros in the Macro Library web
MDP> page.

Thanks Marck, for a solution I had failed to consider!  Above you
can see your "reward" for the information.  BTW, I can always
reformat subsequent paragraphs quickly, but I wanted to NOT have
to do so each time on a simple reply.

Always remember and never forget, "No good deed goes unpunished!"
It is so good to know that we have such a useful (and timely!)
resource to air our questions & frustrations.

Warmest tropical wishes,

"I think, or at least I think I do."

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Flying in the stratosphere with The Bat! V1.60h on 
Windows 2000 Vers. 5 0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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