> Dear Marten,

> @11-May-2004, 21:17 Marten Gallagher [MG] in
> mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

MG>> On some envelope icons I have  little red beetle crawling down
MG>> the right hand side from the top right hand corner.

MG>> What is it doing?

> Is it signifying an invalid S/MIME signature on the messages?

How the "*!? do I know - I'm the one asking the questions!! :-)))

Seriously though: whatever it is it's hopping around the envelope of
your reply to the question. Could it be that the little red beetle is
just as curious to know what its function is and is probing your
message with its antennae?

I've just realised of course I'm using an add-on glyohs file for icons
so there are probably loads of people reading this and wondering what
on earth I'm talking about.

It's the last icon on the right in the bottom row of the glyphs
graphic by Igor Afanasyev ver 1.2

Marten Gallagher
The Bat! 2.10.03 with XRay,
and POPFile 0.21.1 under XP Pro

Current version is 2.10.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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