
re the certification messages .....
I seem to remember a thread on this topic years  ago.

>From memory -  the  certification text that is  passed  by the plug-in
is simply ignored by TB.
Again, from memory, this was  because the developers took the view that just 
AVG says there is no virus doesn't necessarily mean there isn't one. 

 I seem to recall users asked  for this behaviour to be a preference setting  
but the developers refused on principle.  
When I  tested, since you do get a notification if AVG actually finds a virus  
on an outgoing mail and prevents you from sending it: as a workaround for 
outgoing messages only why not simply add  the certification text to your 
message template ?  

[sse  below]



*** 7.5: Message scanned prior to sending - no viruses found *** 

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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