13 March 2006 - 06:43

Hello pr1,

Sunday, March 12, 2006, 11:49:11 PM, you wrote:

puo>>> Is there such a product?

TJ>> K9 - http://keir.net/k9.html - free, as in beer.

puo> How easy did you find it to set up?

I'm using it with eleven accounts - a mixture of domain and web-based.
It   took   about   twenty   minutes  And  I  found  the  instructions
straightforward. A couple of changes to each account's properties plus
a  new  filterfor each.  I  append  the  word [Spam] to the end of the email's
subject line and any with that tag end up in a single spam folder.

You  can  use  K9  for  *all*  your  filtering  (not  just to identify
ham/spam) but I prefer to use TB! for that.

puo> Once set up, does it check your various accounts separately one at a time 
puo> is there a way to have it "interpose itself" between the incoming mail and
puo> the mailboxes?

It  does  the  latter.  Anything identified as spam doesn't get to the
account; it's moved straight to the spam folder.

puo> But I could be off, the intricacies of the whole process do baffle me
puo> somewhat <g>

There  are  further 'intricacies' (you have to 'train it' to recognise
the  less-obvious spam and there are occasional housekeeping functions
but  it  does  start to work efficiently 'out-of-box' and the 'extras'
can wait.

After  a  couple of months I'm getting 98.55% accuracy but this figure
has reduced recently because of some innocuous-looking text spam.

Best regards,


Flying with The Bat! Professional
version 3.65.03

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