Hello Kurgan,

Tuesday, June 25, 2002, 6:27:21 PM, you wrote:

KLc> Just curious, but what exactly *is* rot13? Sounds interesting.

ROT13 is a method of 'encrypting' messages.  Well, ok, it really is
encryption, buts its such a weak form of it its not used for security.
The ROT stands for rotate, and 13 is the number of places.  IE, rotate
each charector 13 spaces through the alphabet.  Thus A becomes N, B
becomes O and so forth.  ROT(n) stands for rotate N letters, so you
can ROT14 if you wanted.  The benifit of ROT13 is that the english
language has 26 letters, so rather than having to have 2 programs(or
functions) - one for encrypting and one for decrypting, you can
instead use the same function to encrypt and decrypt(first pass, A
becomes N, second pass N becomes A)

It's main usage was for spoilers, flames, etc.  The idea being you
'encrypt' potentially offensive messages sent to public mailing
lists/newsgroups as a warning for those easily offended.  If someone
goes to the effort of decrypting your post and takes offense at the
content - well, they WERE warned.

I also see it used as an alternate method of encryping email
addresses.  I've seen a number of posts on usenet where the signature
is 'echo <ROT13 encrypted email address> | rot13'. Which is a unixish type
way of saying send this text through the rot13 program to find out my
email address.  A simple method of spambot avoidance, similiar to the
way many people encrypt email addresses for mailto links.

Its not a secure mechanism, but as long as MOST people aren't using
such methods, spambots will continue to be written to find only the
easy fish.

Best regards,
 Gary                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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