Someone else suggested a re-installation of TB!, and if that fails
then a reinstallation of Windows.  I agree.  But first I'd look at
whether your AV program has a POP scanning feature.  If so, I'd first
start by routing around that.  Sorry if this has already been


     Bab4 - Board wrote on Tuesday, March 19, 2002:

> Hi,

> In reply to all that tried to help :)

BB>>> I  cannot  close  the  connection  center  nor  TheBat,  and  have  to
BB>>> CTRL-ALT-DEL  to  close  TheBat, then launchi it again to see the SAME
BB>>> problems !

L>> In short, TB§ freezes up, right?
L>> I have had that same problem and one of the list moderators ( Allie
L>> the great ;-) ) pointed me to the problem: ZoneAlarm.

> I  use Conseal PC Firewall since a few years (like TB) and never got a
> problem with both working together.

> The browser is Opera, no problem. BTW it happens also on messages with
> NO attachment nor html.

> I tried to compress the base, same problems remain.

> Currently  I  am  reading  my mailboxes, 5 accounts are on hold in the
> connection  center  on  "importing  messages",  and  all is blocked. I
> cannot close the connection center, nor the bat, and a lot of messages
> can not be displayed.

> I  tried  to delete quite all messages in the base (I had about 15,000
> messages  in  +50  accounts),  I  deleted and compressed, the problems
> remain.

> The solution seems to be an urgent move to Pegasus :((

> Vlad

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