Thursday, December 16, 1999, 11:54:40 PM, you wrote:

R> thats because you type it like this:
R> %TO="Everybody <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
R> Hello %TOFName,
R> The Bat! converts the macro to what it should do, and then it sees a
R> hard return... (the one you put behind the macro...) and it displays
R> it... (as it should...)
R> how do you correct this: simply make it look like this:
R> %TO="Everybody <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"Hello %TOFName,

Ok, that works for the blank line *after* the original test, but the
blank line is still inserted before the original text.  Let me

Here's the simple template I use:

That's it.  All I want to happen is for a particular incoming message
to get forwarded looking exactly like it came.  So instead of hitting
enter after the %TEXT, I just left the cursor there.  That worked for
the blank line at the end, but there's always a blank line inserted
*before* the original text.

Take care,

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