Hi James,

On Thursday, August 26, 2004 at 4:31:16 PM you wrote:

M>> Yes, it's on the task bar. I pressed Alt + Space then m and then TB!
M>> fetched mail.

JO> Did you release Alt and Space before hitting m?


JO> Are you using an English system? The key you push after Alt+Space
JO> will vary (I assume) based on your locale.

A Japanese computer :)  Seriously, most everything's set to American

JO> Make sure TheBat is the active application. Pressing Alt+Space
JO> will bring up an a context menu (pop-up menu) that will also be
JO> off-screen.

Yes, it does.

JO> Then pressing the M will select "Move" on the pop-up menu.

No. It doesn't! The M in Move is even underlined. I chose the others:
Size - S, Minimize - N, Maximize - X and they operated as advertised.
The Move - M did not work.

JO> Hit an arrow key (I prefer the left) which will start moving the
JO> window, but then you can simply move your mouse and use the mouse to
JO> relocate the dialog. I find the mouse works much faster since the
JO> mouse cursor is locked to the viewable area of your desktop it'll snap
JO> the window into view really quickly. Just remember you must hit an
JO> arrow key before the mouse will move the window, otherwise the mouse
JO> will only move the cursor.

None of this will work without the Move working I suspect!

JO> Another way of doing it is to simply right-click on the Task bar (not
JO> system tray) entry (if you haven't turned it off) and selecting "Move"
JO> from there.

There is no Move there. Only Minimize and Close (Restore is greyed

Thanks for trying. It's much appreciated!



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