Hello The Janitor,

> I know it's only one example of your need to keep a large db of
> messages but why not just keep a single text file
> of registration keys and add to it with each new product?

I do this too, however this file is now quite enormous in and of
itself.  I keep software registrations AND backups of my site
passwords in this file, and keep an updated copy on a USB 'dongle'
which is also encrypted (Lexar Jump Drive).  Unfortunately the dongle
has on occasion failed.  I am looking at using RoboForm's new portable
product which resides on a USB dongle and keeps all passwords in a
safe and encrypted, password protected format.  Of course this
involves purchase of a new license key.......bother!

Warmest tropical wishes,

Quote for the instant:
"Americans generally do the right thing, after first exhausting all
the available alternatives." - Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill

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