Sunday, April 29, 2001, 9:39:30 PM, you wrote:

Ai> Is it possible to set TB not to execute attachment at all? I mean not
Ai> to ask even...

I don't believe so. Under "properties" I would suggest that you set up
an attachment dir...maybe something like C:\attach. The default
settings leave the attachments embedded in the mailboxes. This would
be an advantage if you do backups as you wouldn't be backing up
an inadvertently undeleted virus or worm. Otherwise just be careful
what you execute...;)

Ai> Yes... My ISP also fixed a few infected files and gave me a warning
Ai> about a virus... But its possible that their software is not
Ai> up-to-date...

It depends on what your ISP is using. The scanning software my servers
run will update several times daily.

What concerns me more is Ritlabs apparent disregard for its customers
regarding this latest security issue. If it (Ritlabs) has any ambition
to becoming a major player in the mail client business; the way
they've handled this exploit has set them back way back. Ritlabs must
earn business accounts with site licenses, and they've proven to me
that they don't understand the level of service a corporation demands
and requires.

This PR fiasco will haunt them for a long time. My company has over
100 computers with 30-35 running email clients (Eudora 303), I was
ready to purchase a TB site license until you, I believe, posted the
info regarding the security issue. Apparently it was kept pretty mum
on this list and the sparks sure flew when you mentioned it. As it
stands, I wouldn't purchase or recommend TB for all the tea in China.
Ritlabs has a great deal of maturing to do before it's ready to
compete with the incumbents such as Microsoft, Eudora etc.


 Ben                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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