Hello Syafril Hermansyah,
On Sun, 2 Jan 2000 21:56:59 +0700 GMT your local time,
which was Sunday, January 02, 2000, 9:56:59 PM (GMT+0700) my local time,
Syafril Hermansyah wrote:

Syafril> Right, that is what's I am planning, though.
Syafril> My  motherboard  only  support UDMA33, but I will wait for a while for
Syafril> upgrading  to  UDMA66  due  Intel  still  having problem with his i820
Syafril> chipset  (for  AGP  VGA), and max. RAM limited to 512 MB only. I heard
Syafril> that VIA have the solution for AGP, I didn't test it.
Not sure it does AGP4, I will have to ask, our main problem was very
lousy docs with the motherboard but after the misunderstanding was out
of the way it runs great.
I wouldnt buy an Intel made motherboard, I have really never seen one
which didnt have problems and they will for sure prevent any
overclocking attempt.
Added, those with rambus have been redesigned to handle sdram and get
a performance hit so it runs slower then the BX...

Syafril> The weakness of IDE drive is slow for POP/HTTP/FTP server, but I found
Syafril> after tweaking UDMA channel the performance increase significant.
Aopen has the DMA66 in the Bios as far as I saw...

Syafril> Thanks for the advise.

If possible try testing your existing sdram on a system running 133 as if it
works.. you get a real fast system.
I have a suspicion that with a stable motherboard/processor you may find that
even standard sd100 ram can do that 133.
Mine does and I love a cheap coppermine 700 and its so cool
(temperature wise) that no way will I get Amd's needing expensive fans
on the processor and extra big powersupplies.
It eats up any potential price advantage of the AMD...

Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.38e 

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