Hello Stuart,
On Friday, September 24, 2004, 1:06 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
PJ>> The TB! window for anti-spam plug-ins has a minimal explanation of
PJ>> scoring etc.; not enough for the likes of me. I need step by step help
PJ>> for things like this. In any case, Bayes Filter is working beautifully
PJ>> and I think my email downloads are faster now too.

SC> As a brief explanation from what I have been able to glean over the
SC> last while:

Thanks very much for the explanation!

SC> If you use more than one computer to download email and you get the
SC> same Junk mail on both computers, because you leave messages on
SC> server, there is a trick to only having to deal with the Junk on one
SC> computer. Let me know if this is of interest.

Not just now, but good to know for future reference.

SC> Born and raised and always lived just outside of Winnipeg.

We drove from Toronto to Calgary one winter, and thought we would
NEVER get out of Ontario. The prairies were like a huge breath of
(cold) fresh air and an end to Ontario claustrophobia! Only stopped
briefly in Winnipeg, but love the prairies (my mother was born and
raised in Moose Jaw).

Best wishes,

A Canadian in Houston
Using The Bat! v3.0 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

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