does anyone else think that the bat needs better dictionary and spell-checker 

for example, spell-checker should exclude single letters so that the process 
doesn't complain about 'm' when i sign my name 'm.davidson'.

it should exclude all words that include punctuation of any kind. i recently 
sent a link to someone and spell-check complained about 'd&source', 
's_d&saddr', and similar non-words. it would be absolutely silly to add 
non-words to the dictionary as a workaround for the problem.

spell-checker should also ignore all URL parts. if this feature already exists, 
it doesn't work.

maybe i'm missing something. if so, perhaps someone will be kind enough to 
inform me.

thanks/regards, .. 

best regards,

Current version is 4.1.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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