Hello Edward,

On Wednesday, June 1, 2011, you wrote:
EG>   Could anyone shed some light on this? I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate
EG>   and just got this message as TB closed:

EG>   "Critical Sections Leak in module @ 00047B34 TBatCriticalSection
EG>   left caller addresses listed below: 0012FD4.

I suffer from the same issue. Something similar is bugged, but no
progress since last December -

OT: I fear for the future of our lovely e-mail program. Especially
    since reading this over my morning cuppa:

       RITLabs begins working with mobile platforms

       Good news for users with mobile devices, especially iPhones – RITLabs
       started developing software for mobile platforms. Since it is a new
       field for our company, we begin with designing some pilot apps.

       One of these apps is sParking – first iPhone app that will help you
       run your car into the garage easily and accurately. This name is short
       for “simple parking”, or “safe parking”, or “self-parking” – you can
       expand the first letter in any of these ways, because the application
       has all these features.

       You can download the app from its page
       http://www.ritlabs.us/sparking/. There’s also a video file that will
       guide you into using sParking.

I don't have an iPhone and my garage is full of bikes and junk. I'd
rather they were spending my license dollars fixing bugs :-(


Nick | n...@winchmore.com | M: 079 6717 4896

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