On 7/3/2012, you wrote:


> Are such mail clients really so poor as to merit keeping a Windows
> client on a Linux machine?


The  only mail client which comes anywhere near to TB! for
Linux  is Thunderbird ... and those of us who have used it
aren't impressed.

I  have been told that clients like Claws and Sylpheed can
be customized by scripting ... which is great, if you have
been  using  LInux  long  enough to be a script wizard. If
not, they are very nearly unusable.

Seriously, there is no serious free mail client for Linux.
There are a couple of commercial clients I haven't tested,
but  I've  tried all the free offerings I could find. Some
of  them  won't  even  load  ...  if  anyone  knows  of  a
*functional*  Linux client I've missed, I'll start testing

Gnome and KDE have clients, but the KDE client is a poor
effort to out outlook outlook, and I have been totally
unable to figure out how to configure it for multiple
accounts. If it recognizes them at all it dumps them all
into one inbox. It is also painfully slow. I don't use
Gnome,  so  on that YMMV, and no, I don't propose to go to
Gnome for one app, period, endit.

A TB! port to Linux would be wonderful, but I don't know
how many among the Linux community would be willing to buy
a mail client.

I would, of course  ;-)

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag:

theli...@comcast.net         * * *    Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed    * * *       OpenSuse 12.1

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