Hallo Thomas,

On Sat, 1 Sep 2012 10:56:38 +0700GMT (1-9-2012, 5:56 , where I live),
you wrote:

SA>> Thus gmail (and Eudora) were relating to the picture as an attachment.
SA>> This says that int_1.jpg is an attachment.

TF> I replied to your mail by embedding a picture, but it was too big for
TF> this list (unless a moderator lets it through).

Well, I let it through, but the list server stripped the attachment.

TF> So, it's MIME encoded like an attachment, but then, every HTML mail
TF> is, isn't it? Isn't any HTML part technically an attachment?

Actually every HTML part should be an attachment, though some clients
don't do it that way when they're sending HTML-only messages without
When the message includes inline pictures, the pictures need to be
sent along with the message and that has to be done as attachments.
The HTML body wil be referring to those attachments and the HTML part
will also be defined as a separate part like an attachment, just as
the text part is when your using attachments.
However, both the text part and the HTML part don't need to be MIME
encoded, they can be sent as readable text. Pictures always need to be
MIME encoded as they might contain characters that aren't allowed in
e-mails, hence the encoding.

TF> In truth, I don't know anything, just throwing these header fragements
TF> into the list to see whether this is really wrong behaviour of TB!.

I saw your message as it was stopped by the server and then the
message contained the picture as an inline picture. Hoewever, that was
read by TB and as HTML in e-mail is a bit of a gray area, some clients
do stuff different.

Groetjes, Roelof

A Fool and his Taglines are soon moderators. <= Yikes!
The Bat! (BETA)
Windows 7 6.1 Build 7601 Service Pack 1
5 pop3 accounts, 2 imap accounts
OTFE disabled
i7-2600 3.4GHz

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