Re: Roguemoticons/Smileys

2013-11-19 Thread Jack S. LaRosa
Hello MFPA,

On Tuesday, November 19, 2013 you wrote:

M> Hi

M> On Monday 18 November 2013 at 6:03:03 PM, in
M> , Jack S. LaRosa wrote:

>> If I send myself a message containing :-) it DOES show
>> up as a smiley face. However, if I send myself a
>> message containing :banana: it simply shows up as
>> COLONbananaCOLON.  I think this corresponds to my no
>> longer seeing country flags in others messages.

M> So basic smileys like :-) work for you, but pcwsmileys like :banana:
M> don't.


M> Does your "%ProgramFiles%\The Bat!\Images" folder contain a text file
M> called "pcwsmileys.msl" as well as a folder called "pcwimages" (and 
M> does that folder called "pcwimages" contain "banana.sml.gif" and over 
M> 500 other image files)?

Neither the text file "pcwsmileys.msl" nor the folder "pcwimages" exist anywhere
on my computer.

CANCEL RED ALERT!  File/folder found!  I have a program called SEARCH EVERYTHING
( which will find anything you type in it's search bar
(I thought).  Using that program showed me that the two files above didn't
exist, but of course, they did.  I don't know why the program failed to find
them but they were buried where they shouldn't have been within The Bat!

In searching the web for references to this problem I found some old
correspondence from Miguel where he lists the files/folders which should be in
TB's Images folder.  As a last-ditch effort I searched around my TB folder in
PROGRAM FILES (x86) and opened every folder in there.  Lo and behold, there they
were.  Moving them to the IMAGES folder solved everything.  How they got moved
in the first place I have no idea except that I vaguely remember the problem
starting after my last TB upgrade.

So, once again my profound thanks to you and Miguel for all the help.  Nice to
see you both again.

Best Regards, 
Jack LaRosa
:usflag: Central Alabama

Using The Bat! ver: 5.2.
Running Windows 7 Pro ver 6 build 7601 Service Pack 1 

Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Should I update?

2013-11-19 Thread Susanne
Thanks for all the input to my question!

I'm going to stick with what I have for now, especially since it
wouldn't be possible to easily downgrade again, since the message
base format changed.



Best regards,

Using The Bat! 4.2.6
OS: Windows 7 6.1 Build 7601 Service Pack 1

Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Vew pane disappearance

2013-11-19 Thread TheLimit

On 11/14/2013 you wrote:

>> As to the rest of your aggravations, and perhaps even the above, the only 
>> thing
>> I can offer is to simply re-install TB!  I have been told numerous times on 
>> this
>> list that you can do that without un-installing first.  Just re-install it 
>> over
>> the existing copy.

>> But as with all operations like this, I'd probably make a TB! backup first.

'K, did that, sent a reply w/SS of what I'm looking at ... but it
was  rejected  for being oversized. Trying again ...  this should
come  through, but I'm not sure there's enough resolution for you
to see anything useful.

Since  then,  I've  also  discovered  that  even without filters,
emails  are  being  misrouted - a testmail I built and closed to
test  Jack's  problem was routed from my personal IMAP account to
my ISP POP account sentmail folder. That seems wrong ...

Trying  the SS again. I just can't get it to show me a view pane,
not  at  any setting, much less the one I'd like to use.  And now
I'm terrified of the filters.


:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
*** Win7U ***  OVB Kubuntu Linux  13.04 *** 
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

Windows 6, Build 7601
Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information: