
I'm having issues with time stamps being incorrect in some folders.
Sometimes it's in incoming folders (inbox and various sub-folders),
and sometimes it's in outgoing folders (sent and various

I haven't gone through all of the hundreds of folders/sub-folders in
all accounts, but here's an example:

In my main account, I have "inbox" and "sent" folders for various
individuals.  I sent a few emails to one particular person today, and
in the "created" column, they're all listed as having been sent on 1
January, 1970.

I've seen anomalies such as this scattered all over, with some
incoming and sent messages even listed as having been created or
received in 1899!

The computer's time is set correctly.

Can anyone tell me why this happens?  And how to fix it?



Current version is 8.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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