Re: [RECOVERED] Re: Confirm Receipt, Reading Confirmation

2008-10-01 Thread Bill McQuillan

On Wed, 2008-10-01, Tim Hamm wrote:

>   I can appreciate what you are saying, from what I know on my end,
>   these features have never worked as long as I have had TB. I would
>   think by now of the thousands of emails I have sent, at least one
>   recipient's email client should be able to send read receipts.


One possibility not to be overlooked, your ISP. 

When Delivery Status Notifications (as Confirm Receipts are officially
known) are requested, each mail server on the path to the recipient's mail
server is supposed to notice that the previous server (or your client) has
requested a "DSN" be sent and pass that on to the next mail server. If that
next mail server does not allow DSNs the current server is supposed to send
back instead a DSN to effect that no "final" DSN will be sent.

Notice that any mail server along the way "dropping the ball" will cause no
DSN to be sent at all. The fact that no Confirm Receipts of yours have ever
been honored makes me suspect a mail server near the beginning of the
chain--at your ISP.

Since DSNs and MDNs (Message Disposition Notices (Reading Receipts from the
recipent's client)) are both a standardized specially formatted message, it
is possible that your ISP is doing you the "favor" of deleting these as
some sort of spam.

Note that this is not necessarily the actual explanation, but it is
something to consider if no other explanation turns out to be better.

Good luck,
Bill McQuillan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Using The Bat! 2.11 on Windows XP 5.1 build 2600-Service Pack 2

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Re: [RECOVERED] Re: Confirm Receipt, Reading Confirmation

2008-10-01 Thread MAU
Hello Tim,

>   I can appreciate what you are saying, from what I know on my end,
>   these features have never worked as long as I have had TB. I would
>   think by now of the thousands of emails I have sent, at least one
>   recipient's email client should be able to send read receipts

How many of your thousands of sent messages did include a Request for 
Reading Confirmation (i.e. an X-Confirm-Reading-To: header)? Because 
even a properly configured email client will not send back a Reading 
Confirmation if the message being read does not include such a request. 

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v4.0.34.13

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: [RECOVERED] Re: Confirm Receipt, Reading Confirmation

2008-10-01 Thread Tim Hamm
Hello Ian,

Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 10:33:24 PM, you wrote:  

> G'day Tim,

->> On Sunday, September 28, 2008, 10:00:38 AM, you (Tim Hamm) wrote:

TH>> Hello TBUDL,

TH>>   My confirm receipt and reading confirmation is useless. It has
TH>>   never worked. Are there any fixes for this. My Outlook works
TH>>   like a champ but not so with TB.

> I have been (trying) to follow this thread, but nothing seems to be 
> clear.

> From my point of view, I have sent over a dozen e-mails since this was
> reported where I have requested a reading receipt and I have received 
> a reading receipt from the recipients.

> During this time I have also received around 6 messages where the 
> sender has requested a reading receipt. I have my system prompt me, 
> and I have it set to send one immediately rather than queue them in 
> the Outbox. All reading receipts that I have allowed have gone through
> fine. Nothing has been left in the Outbox.

> So maybe this needs to be clarified.

> What is the situation that prompted this thread?

> Is The Bat! requesting a reading receipt and one is not being
> received? If this is the case, then it has nothing to do with The Bat!
> and everything to do with the receiving system or recipient. They
> receiving system may be blocking such requests (I have a relative
> working for the Defence Department and the request for a reading
> receipt is stripped off incoming messages), or the recipient might 
> have their system set to ignore such requests or is not sending them 
> on an individual basis. In either case there is nothing that The Bat! 
> can do.

> Is The Bat! not sending reading receipts? If this is the case then the
> settings to respond to such a request have to be set correctly. The 
> Bat! has to be set to automatically send a receipt without asking, or 
> it has to be set to ask and then it must be allowed on an individual 
> basis.

> Is The Bat! queuing them in the the Outbox? If this is the case then 
> reading receipts need to be set to send them immediately.

> Is there something else that is going wrong?

  I can appreciate what you are saying, from what I know on my end,
  these features have never worked as long as I have had TB. I would
  think by now of the thousands of emails I have sent, at least one
  recipient's email client should be able to send read receipts.

Best regards,
 Tim Hammmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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