Re: 7232C0F3]: Upgrading The Bat!

2021-06-20 Thread Jernej Simončič
On Sunday, June 20, 2021, 09:49:49, Ian A. White wrote:

> Now, those up with everything will know whats going however I have not the 
> foggiest idea as to what the +ACU- and +ACI means and why it is there.

That looks like UTF-7 encoding (+ACU- is %, +ACI is "). No idea why the 
templates were corrupted like that, maybe the format changed at some point, and 
the conversion code didn't trigger properly.

< Jernej Simončič ><><><><>< >

The leak in the roof is never in the same location as the drip.
   -- Cannon's Cogent Comment

Current version is 9.1.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: [T/N: 7232C0F3]: Upgrading The Bat!

2021-06-20 Thread Ian A. White
Sorry, I prepared it as a plain text message but had to resend it and when I 
edited the message, the old quirk of changing the format back to HTML kicked 
back in and I forgot to switch it back.


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Re: [T/N: 7232C0F3]: Upgrading The Bat!

2021-06-20 Thread Ian A. White
Title: Re: [T/N: 7232C0F3]: Upgrading The Bat!

G'day Richard,

Apologies for the way this comes through, but while the upgrade has gone through without a hitch as far as my message base and filters are concerned, my message templates have become horribly screwed up, hence the poor format of this message.

To give you an idea of what is going on, here is what my reply template ends up being when I somply press the reply button.

G'day +ACU-CapitalFirst+AD0AJQ-OFromFName,





Now, those up with everything will know whats going however I have not the foggiest idea as to what the +ACU- and +ACI means and why it is there.

You can see what it was supposed to show from my previous message in this thread.

Basically I have used separate quick templates that can be used across multiple folders and groups and then they get called up as %QT in a particular group etc. This way, if I need to change something, I only have to do it once and it ends up automatically across all the groups that use it.

Anyone have any idea as to why this change has happened?


I am going to enter a sigdash even though I have no signature as I am mot a big fish eater. Well, you know what I mean :D

Hopefully it comes down this time as the other thing is that it lost the from setting and used my default.

One other thing is I have lost the message list tabs and am having to ferret around to find out how to get them back.

I was trying to get rid of all the unnecessary windows like the quick reply window and the one at the root of an account. Much better to access them from menus and toolbars. That will learn me.

Here goes.


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Re: [T/N: 7232C0F3]: Upgrading The Bat!

2021-06-19 Thread Richard Newman via TBUDL
Hello Ian,

> I need to preserve the existing message database and apart from a 
> separate copy of the messages and then doing Backup through the Tools 
> menu, is there any thing I need to do?
In addition to the TB internal backup of your message database and settings, I 
would do a full backup of TB program files and data files. I would then 
uninstall TB and the message database so you can install 9.3.4 fresh without 
any possible corruptions that may have happened in between. Once your new 9.3.4 
is installed you should be able to use TB's restore to restore your message 
database, address book and settings. 

This should avoid any quirky differences that may exist between 4.2 and 9.3.4.  
The full backup of TB program  and dataa  files will allow you to return to 
your pre-9.3.4 state just in case things do not go as smoothly as we both think 
they should.

Best regards,
Using The Bat! v9.3.4.18 Alpha  (64 bit) on Windows 10
Current version is 9.1.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information: