Re: Addressbook entry issues

2013-05-20 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Ian,

On Mon, 20 May 2013 09:23:52 +1000GMT (20-5-2013, 1:23 , where I
live), you wrote:

IAW> When I add a contact to a particular group in my addressbook, the 
IAW> entry also shows up in the addressbook root group. If I delete it from
IAW> the root or the particular group I added it to, both entries get 
IAW> deleted.

The problem is that you don't understand the exact structure of the
address book. You're seeing the address groups and as they are shown
as folders, you think they are folders.
However, TB's address groups aren't folders, they're labels. So when
you delete an entry from the root, you also delete it from the groups
it was part of, because you delete the actual entry.
It doesn't work the other way around (even though you seem to claim
so) Deleting an entry from a group merely erases the group label for
that entry. (Yes, I've tested that multiple times before posting that
You can also a single entry to multiple groups whether those groups
have any connections with other or not.
In a follow up message you found out about the 'hide items if not
explicitly selected' option for an address group. Thjat option does
two things. It stops the entry from being displayed in the root and
when you delete such a message from a group, it'll be completely
deleted from the address book.
Those options stop working when you add an entry to a group with the
hide items enabled and to a group without that option enabled.

Adding an entry to a group with the 'hide items..' option enabled will
keep it from being disp[layed in the root. So if you want it back and
you create a new entry in the root,  (You might want it there, after
all) then you will have two entries with the same address. Look into
the properties, if you've got one entry then the one entry will tell
you to what groups that address belongs, but with two entries, they
will show different group settings.
Basically that is a bad thing. Multiple entries with the same address
need to be changed all when that address changes (more work), but more
important, the address book templates you've created for one of those
entries won't work as expected, you'll never know what template
settings you'll be using.

All in all, TB's addres book is a wonderfull thing even tough you need
to sit down a bit in order to understand it.

Groetjes, Roelof

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Re: Addressbook entry issues

2013-05-19 Thread Robin Anson
On Mon, 20 May 2013 at 10:01:21 +1000,Ian wrote:
> Hide items if not explicitly selected
> This is not as clear as it could be (at least to me).

I've never understood what this is intended to mean. Hide items if _what_ is not
explicitly selected?? Hide items from _what_?? Presumably it did make sense to
someone once, and I'd love to hear an explanation.

It should say something like "Don't display group members in root".


Using The Bat! v5.3.8
  Windows 7 6.1 Build 7601 Service Pack 1
  Popfile v1.1.3

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Re: Addressbook entry issues

2013-05-19 Thread Rick
>This is not as clear as it could be (at least to me). By checking it, the 
>entry remains in the particular group, but is not shown in the root of the 

It is not clear, an that threw me a bit when I first started with the bat. I 
don't really see a use for it. If you are in my address book I don't want you 
"hidden" anywhere. Perhaps someone else can add to this and explain how that is 
used. Whenever I create a new group. that is the first thing I uncheck

"The point is that Republicans are always talking about deregulation and big 
government. But I say their philosophy is small government for the big guy and 
big government for the little guy. And so, if my wife's uterus was incorporated 
or my friend's bedroom was incorporated, maybe the Republicans would be talking 
about deregulating." - Representative Scott Randolph, Florida

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Re: Addressbook entry issues

2013-05-19 Thread Jim Kyle
Sunday, May 19, 2013, 6:23:52 PM, you wrote:

> How can I add an entry and have it in the group I want and not 
> duplicated in the addressbook root?

I don't think that is possible; the "group" is simply a subset of the
addressbook root entries. This architecture makes it possible for a single
entry to belong to multiple groups, without duplicating the entry again for
each group.

You could achieve the same effect by creating a group named "Others" and
then adding every entry that's not a member of any other group to this one.
That would let you totally ignore the root, and search only the desired
group to locate an entry...

Best regards,

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