
I have my messages sorted by thread, in descending date order i.e. the
most  recent  ones  are  at  the  top.  I normally have several parked
messages  in  some  folders.  According  to  the above sort order, the
parked  messages,  being  relatively  old, appear at the bottom of the
list. The parked messages are all marked as read.

In  most cases, when I click on a folder in the folder list tree, then
the  initial  message selected in the message list view is the topmost
*parked*  message.  Can this behaviour be changed? I would rather have
the  selected  message to be the oldest *unread* message. According to
the  sort  order  that  I  use, this would ordinarily be an *unparked*
message at the bottom of the message list.

Best regards,
 Costas  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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