Hello Thomas Fernandez,

On or about Friday, February 21, 2003 at 02:52:02GMT +0700 (which was
2:52 PM in the tropics where I live) Thomas Fernandez posted:

TF> Come again? How can that misconfigured spampal reply have triggered a
TF> filter to send the message to 11,000+ people?

My CNET virus newsletter filter picked up his hccnet.nl address by
mistake.  It automagically sends these virus newsletters out to a
group containing 11,589 members.  Let's see that 19 messages X 11,589
members, that's 220,191 bogus messages this just sent out.  Nice job
Frank, that probably caused a spike in traffic similar to a minor
viral or DOS attack!

I've modified the filter to avoid this by including two filter
criteria, but it is difficult as the subject line evolves
occasionally.  Putting it AFTER my TBUDL filter should help as well.

Warmest tropical wishes,

** The strength of women is that psychology cannot explain them. **

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Using TheBat! v1.62i hamstrung by Windows XP 5.1 
Build 2600 Service Pack 1'

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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