L> Well,  no,  because  sometimes I don't need something like that for
L> weeks,  or  days at least .. lol But when the traffic gets heavy on
L> some  of the lists, and it looks like being an all day project just
L> to get all the mail read once, then I sometimes have to do a triage
L> thing :-)
Select the mails, or all mails and Ctrl+M. No read, no headache....

L> It would be kind of nice to be able to right click on the
L> folder and just do 'delete unread messages' ...
There is the Unread Virtual folder. Go there and delete the mails (you

L> I  suspect the reason we don't have one is that it's really kind of
L> counter-intuitive  ...  it's  not really obvious that someone might
L> want to dump just the *unread* messages.
Yes. But, as always, there are solutions.

Hungarian dealer of TB!

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