Hello Jamie

On 02 October 2000, at 08:26, you wrote

JD> Hello Charlie Turner (ceejay),
JD> On Sat, 30 Sep 2000 08:07:31 +0100 GMT your local time,
JD> which was Saturday, September 30, 2000, 08:07:31 (GMT+0100) (BST) my local time,

That's one impressive macro you've set up their Jamie.

JD> Charlie Turner (ceejay) wrote:
CTc>> That describes my experience exactly, I guess it's nothing to
CTc>> bother about as it doesn't appear to have any lasting effect. I'd
CTc>> like to learn why this happens - purely to satisfy my own
CTc>> curiosity, I like to know *why* things happen.

JD> Grid index out of bounds is a Delphi/Pascal error message. I'm almost
JD> sure it's to do with calling a position in an array outside of the
JD> current bounds. However, if it really it an array the error message
JD> would be 'List Index out of bounds' (the same error message as for a
JD> list box being referenced greater than the listBox.Items.Count value).

JD> As it's a Grid Index out of bounds I'm assuming that the message list
JD> window is actually a grid (a la Excel) not as I first assumed a
JD> ListBox.

JD> As we can't see the source code (unless you'd like to be really nice
JD> to us Steffan) this is only a best guess.

Thanks for your help Jamie, however I have to admit that Delphi/Pascal is
going over my head. Basic, Markup, Flash etc. is more my bag ;)

have a good day
   Charlie (ceejay)

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