Hello Jim,

Have you tried Antispam Servant for TB? This filter works extremely
well and there is no need in my opinion for a third party program to
interface with TB. I have tried Mailwasher Pro and I found it's more
work than it's worth. Antispam Servant resides within TB as a plug-in
so it's transparent. Have a good one!:-)

Best regards,
 Tim                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tuesday, July 17, 2007, 5:21:50 PM, you wrote:

> On Tuesday, July 17, 2007, at 5:14:03 PM, Code 2 wrote:

>> I like Richard's blacklist solution for .pdf attachments, but I just
>> can't risk a false positive on an important e-mail. Maybe the solution is
>> to filter these to an "Unknown" folder for periodic review. Kind of a
>> nearly-Junk Mail folder.

> I've been using AntiSpam Sniper for nearly a year now, through several
> major upgrades, and it catches almost everything that comes my way. Since I
> do commercial database recovery and more than half of my business arrives
> through Email I cannot depend on whitelisting alone, and I have to make my
> address available on my web site -- but the Sniper still does a great job.

> I still check my Junk mail folder often, before deleting its content, and
> found it quite helpful to sort that message list (and just that list, no
> others) on the "To" address column. This makes it easy to check my two
> published addresses for possibly good mail, and lets me skip over all the
> spam that's addressed to others but has me on a BCC list...

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