Re: Setting up a virtual folder on connected computers

2014-02-26 Thread Achdut18
Thanks, MFPA, for your response.

I  solved  the  problem  by  deleting  the  empty folder on the second
computer.   I  then  deleted the virtual folder on the first computer.
Then,  I  created a new virtual folder on the first computer, but this
time,  instead  of  creating  the  folder  as a plain old "new virtual
folder"  I  created  a  "New Common Virtual Folder."And this time,
instead of it being a subfolder of the inbox, I made it a subfolder of
the  root  folder.This time it worked!   I opened TB on the second
computer  and  the  new virtual folder magically appeared, with all of
the mail it was supposed to reflect.

 On Friday 21 February 2014 at 12:44:11 AM, in
, I wrote:

>> the  second computer treats the virtual
>> folder as a regular folder  and  NOT  as  a  virtual
>> folder.   And, the new folder, on the second  computer
>> is empty, even though, on the primary computer it has
>> over 12,000 messages.Why is that?

To which MFPA replied:

M> I don't know. But TB!'s focus is a Common Folder in the Account Tree 
M> and you click CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+L, in addition to anything you might 
M> expect, the addressbook and spellcheck and suchlike turn up as common 
M> folders within TB!. I guess any folder it finds there is dragged 
M> through into TB!.

*  *  *


Avram Sacks, using The Bat! ver. on WinXP sp3

Current version is 6.1.8 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Setting up a virtual folder on connected computers

2014-02-22 Thread MFPA

On Friday 21 February 2014 at 12:44:11 AM, in
, Achdut18 wrote:

> the  second computer treats the virtual
> folder as a regular folder  and  NOT  as  a  virtual
> folder.   And, the new folder, on the second  computer
> is empty, even though, on the primary computer it has
> over 12,000 messages.Why is that?

I don't know. But TB!'s focus is a Common Folder in the Account Tree 
and you click CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+L, in addition to anything you might 
expect, the addressbook and spellcheck and suchlike turn up as common 
folders within TB!. I guess any folder it finds there is dragged 
through into TB!.

> How  do I get this folder to operate as a virtual
> folder on the second computer?  

I don't have two computers with TB! to test. But I found if I:-

  1. make a copy of the ACCOUNT.FLB for a TB! account
  2. start TB! 
  3. create a virtual folder in that account
  4. close TB!
  5. rename the ACCOUNT.FLB file 
  6. paste in the copy ACCOUNT.FLB I made earlier
  7. start TB!
The new virtual folder is gone. 

And if I then:- 

  8. close TB!
  9. delete the copy ACCOUNT.FLB I pasted in at step 6.
  A. reinstate the ACCOUNT.FLB file I renamed at step 5.
  B. start TB!
The new virtual folder is back.

(I picked on the ACCOUNT.FLB file because the modified date/time 
changed after creating/deleting a virtual folder.)

>  Should  I  just delete
> it, and manually create the virtual folder?

My suggestion would be to delete the folder on the second computer.

> If  I  delete  the virtual folder on the second
> computer, will it also delete it on the primary
> computer?  

>From my test results above, I would say only if the ACCOUNT.FLB files
are synchronised. And even then, probably only when TB! on the primary
computer is next started.

Best regards

If it aint broke, fix it till it is broke!

Using The Bat! v4.0.38 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3 

Current version is 6.1.8 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Setting up a virtual folder on connected computers

2014-02-20 Thread Achdut18
Going  along  with  my  theme  of  interconnectivity  of  TB on a home
network,  I  have  found  that  where one computer looks to the second
computer  for  the  message  base, I am also able to create subfolders
within an account on the primary computer and it will be "seen" by the
second  computer.However,  I  also discovered that while a virtual
folder  created  on  the  primary  computer is also seen by the second
computer,  the  second computer treats the virtual folder as a regular
folder  and  NOT  as  a  virtual folder.   And, the new folder, on the
second  computer is empty, even though, on the primary computer it has
over 12,000 messages.Why is that?

How  do I get this folder to operate as a virtual folder on the second
computer?   Should  I  just delete it, and manually create the virtual

If  I  delete  the virtual folder on the second computer, will it also
delete it on the primary computer?


Avram Sacks, using The Bat! ver 5.8.2. on XP Pro, sp3

Current version is 6.1.8 | 'Using TBUDL' information: