Re: Default Account

2014-04-30 Thread MFPA

On Wednesday 30 April 2014 at 7:26:56 AM, in
, Adrian Godfrey wrote:

> Tuesday, April 29, 2014, 8:27:06 PM, you wrote:

>>  I always have none checked as default,

> I  don't  have any accounts checked as default either,
> but I don't get the  "choose account" dialogue when I
> write a new message. 

> In my case, it is the very first account I created 
> (when I had a Version 5) that is preselected.

Here, the setting "This account is default for Mailto: URLs" only
controls what its name suggests: the account for a new message started
by clicking on a Mailto: URL. (If there is a default, the new message
initiated from the Mailto: URL opens with that account selected.
Otherwise I get the "choose account" dialogue and the message opens
after I have picked the account I require.)

When I start a new message in the normal way from TB!'s menus, the 
account pre-selected for that message is controlled by which folder is 
active in the folder tree. If that folder belongs to an account, the 
message opens with that account pre-selected. If a Common Folder is 
active, the account used is the one that is alphabetically first in 
the list.

Best regards

Raining cats and dogs is better than hailing taxis. 

Using The Bat! v4.0.38 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3 

Current version is 6.1.8 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Default Account

2014-04-29 Thread Cafe Noir
> Tuesday, April 29, 2014, 8:27:06 PM, you wrote:

>>  I
>> always have none checked as default,

> I  don't  have any accounts checked as default either, but I don't get
> the  "choose account" dialogue when I write a new message. In my case,
> it is the very first account I created (when I had a Version 5) that is 
> preselected.

> Current version 6.3.2

> Adrian

> ..

Hello Adrian,

I didn't get the "choose account" dialogue, either.


Best regards,
 Cafe Noir

Secure Email   Natural Health

 Using The Bat! v5.8.8 on Windows 6.2 Build 9200 

Current version is 6.1.8 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Default Account

2014-04-29 Thread Adrian Godfrey
Tuesday, April 29, 2014, 8:27:06 PM, you wrote:

>  I
> always have none checked as default,

I  don't  have any accounts checked as default either, but I don't get
the  "choose account" dialogue when I write a new message. In my case,
it is the very first account I created (when I had a Version 5) that is 

Current version 6.3.2




Current version is 6.1.8 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Default Account

2014-04-29 Thread MFPA

On Tuesday 29 April 2014 at 5:06:44 AM, in
, Cafe Noir wrote:

> Maybe the last account added makes itself
> default if none is checked.  

If so, that behaviour must have crept in since my TB! version. I
always have none checked as default, because I do not know in advance
what mailto: urls I may click. I prefer to use the "choose account"
dialogue that comes up if no default is set.

Best regards

Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much

Using The Bat! v4.0.38 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3 

Current version is 6.1.8 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Default Account

2014-04-28 Thread Cafe Noir
Hello Stuart,

Monday, April 28, 2014, 8:29:17 PM, you wrote:

> Hello Karla,
> Monday, April 28, 2014, 9:35:05 PM, you wrote:

>> With  multiple accounts set up in The Bat!, somehow the wrong one
>>  is set as default and I don't remember how to change it.

> Account/Properties/General "This account is default for mailto URL's"

Thanks,  Stuart.   I  had  actually looked at that on the account that
acted  like  default,  and it was not checked.  Maybe the last account
added makes itself default if none is checked.  I've checked the right
one now.


Best regards,
 Cafe Noir

Secure Email   Natural Health

 Using The Bat! v5.8.8 on Windows 6.2 Build 9200 

Current version is 6.1.8 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Default Account

2014-04-28 Thread Stuart Cuddy
Hello Karla,
Monday, April 28, 2014, 9:35:05 PM, you wrote:

> With  multiple accounts set up in The Bat!, somehow the wrong one
>  is set as default and I don't remember how to change it.

Account/Properties/General "This account is default for mailto URL's"

Best regards,

Current version is 6.1.8 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Default Account

2014-04-28 Thread Stuart Cuddy
Hello Karla,
Monday, April 28, 2014, 9:35:05 PM, you wrote:

> With  multiple accounts set up in The Bat!, somehow the wrong one
>  is set as default and I don't remember how to change it.

Account/Properties/General "This account is default for mailto URL's"

Best regards,

Current version is 6.1.8 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: default account

2007-02-02 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Jenny,

On Fri, 2 Feb 2007 21:59:07 +0100GMT (2-2-2007, 21:59 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

J> The default account is set to my main business account, but
J> sometime I want to change the account that gets invoked from
J> external sources, such as clicking on an e-mail link on an internet
J> page. How do you change the default account?  

 Account -> Properties -> General -> This account is the default...

Groetjes, Roelof

"If you can't make it good, make it LOOK good." - B Gates
The Bat! 3.95.8
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
1 pop3 account, server on LAN
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 3.95.08 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: default account when clicking maito: links on webpages?

2003-02-18 Thread Peter Meyns
Hi Markus,

on Wed, 19 Feb 2003 07:44:41 +0100GMT (19.02.03, 07:44 +0100GMT here),

MV>   I would like to set one account as the default account for new
MV>   messegaes invoked by clicking on mailto link on webpages

In account properties -- general -- check "This account is the default
for 'mailto:' URLs".


Me, indecisive?  I'm not so sure about that...

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: default account when clicking maito: links on webpages?

2003-02-18 Thread Jonathan Angliss
Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday, February 19, 2003, Markus Varpula wrote...

> I would like to set one account as the default account for new
> messegaes invoked by clicking on mailto link on webpages, now the
> bat takes whatever account is "active" in the bat window..

Select the account you want as the default, go to Account, Properties.
On the "General" page, you'll see a check box that says "This account
is default for mailto: URLs"... put a tick in there.

- --
Jonathan Angliss

Comment: Fingerprint: 676A 1701 665B E343 E393  B8D2 2B83 E814 F8FD 1F73


Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: default account for mailto: URLs

2002-07-29 Thread Michael Thompson

Hello Quin,

Sunday, July 28, 2002, 10:43:34 PM, you wrote:

QS> Hello tbudl,

QS>   Will someone walk me through the meaning of the checkbox called "This account is 
QS>   default for "mailto:"; URLs"?

QS>   To simplify things, I have only two accounts at the moment. I've
QS>   tried checking the box for one or the other, both, and none, with no
QS>   apparent difference.

QS>   Thanks.

I think this is when you click on a Mailto: link in a HTML document,
it tells The Bat! which account to use for the mail, when you click on
the hyperlink.

Best regards,

Current Ver: 1.61
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Bug Reports:

Re: default account for mailto: URLs

2002-07-28 Thread Jonathan Angliss

On Sun, 2002-07-28 at 16:43, Quin Selman wrote:
>   Will someone walk me through the meaning of the checkbox called "This account is 
>   default for "mailto:"; URLs"?

It means that if TheBat is your default mailer, and in your browser you
click on a mail link (done via mailto:), TheBat will use
the account that has that check box ticked by default.

Jonathan Angliss

Current Ver: 1.61
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Bug Reports:

Re: default account for replies

2002-06-12 Thread Marck D Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Deborah,

@12 June 2002, 15:33:03 +0100 Deborah W wrote in

RO>> %if:"%OToAddr"="address1":"%account='acc1'":"%-
RO>>  %if:'%OToAddr'='address2':'%account=!acc2!':'%-
RO>>   %if:!%OToAddr!=!address3!:!%account=#acc3#!:!%-

RO>> Is there any reason why this shouldn't work?

> Umaybe that it's way over my head?! (I'm pretty new here!)

> Where do I put this?

The best thing to do with it is to put it in a Quick Template call
SetAccount. Then put "%QINCLUDE="SetAccount" in every reply template
you are likely to ue from a generic position. Remember to mark the
SetAccount QT as one that is "Share with other accounts".

> If I already have an account template set up, which will take
> precedence - the AB template or account template?

The precedence is fairly well documented as:

1) AB - Individual template
2) AB - Group template
3) Folder template
4) Account template

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- List moderator
TB! v1.60q-5523848F0B1 on Windows 2000 5.0.2195 Service Pack 2
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7a-nr1 (Windows 2000)


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Bug Reports:

Re: default account for replies

2002-06-12 Thread Roelof Otten

Hello Marck,

On Wed, 12 Jun 2002 13:19:47 +0100GMT (12-6-02, 14:19 +0200GMT, where
I live), you wrote:

>> Is there a way to tell TB to always use the account on which an
>> email was received for a reply to that email? ... it seems to use

MDP> 1) Use the account name right click tool of the edit window once
MDP> 2) Set up your address book templates to invoke the required account

What about something like:


Is there any reason why this shouldn't work?

Groetjes, Roelof

Current Ver: 1.60q
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Bug Reports:

Re: default account for replies

2002-06-12 Thread Roelof Otten

Hello Joseph,

On Wed, 12 Jun 2002 07:52:57 -0500GMT (12-6-02, 14:52 +0200GMT, where
I live), you wrote:

JN> I was looking yesterday for a way to set up a template by group or AB.
JN> There is none, correct?

Yes there is. Select a group, go to properties and the rest should be

Groetjes, Roelof

Current Ver: 1.60q
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Bug Reports:

Re: default account for replies

2002-06-12 Thread Marck D Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Joseph,

@12 June 2002, 07:52:57 -0500 (13:52 UK time) Joseph N. wrote in

MDP>> Set up your address book templates

> I was looking yesterday for a way to set up a template by group or AB.
> There is none, correct?  It has to be by individual as far as I can
> tell.


I have a few personal templates but the vast majority are AB group
templates. This one is actually individual (because of the Moderator
signature). You are correct that you can't set up a template for an
Address Book.

To set templates for groups, right click on the group name an check
the properties.

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- List moderator
TB! v1.60q-5523848F0B1 on Windows 2000 5.0.2195 Service Pack 2
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7a-nr1 (Windows 2000)


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Bug Reports:

Re: default account for replies

2002-06-12 Thread Marck D Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Deborah,

@12 June 2002, 13:04:21 +0100 Deborah W wrote in

> Is there a way to tell TB to always use the account on which an
> email was received for a reply to that email? ... it seems to use
> the default mailto account - I'd like to change that.

You have two options.

1) Use the account name right click tool of the edit window once
   you've got the reply started (or 'Options | Active account').
2) Set up your address book templates to invoke the required account
   for specific recipients.

That's about it.

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- List moderator
TB! v1.60q-5523848F0B1 on Windows 2000 5.0.2195 Service Pack 2
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7a-nr1 (Windows 2000)


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Bug Reports:

Re: Default account settings

2002-05-07 Thread Mike Totman

Monday, May 6, 2002, 5:43:16 PM, you wrote:
> At 4:27 PM on Monday, May 06, 2002 you wrote the following
> about [Default account settings]:

> Mike> Is there some way to change the default settings for
> Mike> new accounts created in The Bat! ? I want to change
> Mike> things like the new/reply/forward templates, time to
> Mike> mark a message as read, etc.

>   Sure. Just go to Account Properties, select Templates &
>   change 'em to your heart's content.

Actually, what I want to do is set all the settings for an Account, not
just the Templates, so that when I create a new account, all those
settings will start set up the way I want.  I find I'm creating new
accounts, because I am setting up numerous emails (like this one) using
my domain.  Basically a unique email address for whichever
list, contact, etc. I use.  By setting up unique accounts, I guarantee
the return address is correct.  So, it would be nice if I didn't have to
change the settings for the initial folders (like Compress, Keep
Messages in base for ... days) and options (like Ignore Get Mail for All
Request) and the message templates.

If I could duplicate an existing account with the settings I wanted,
that would work too.

Mike Totman
"Someday we'll look back on all this and plow into a parked car."

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Bug Reports:

Re: Default account settings

2002-05-06 Thread Jan Rifkinson

Hello Mike.

At 4:27 PM on Monday, May 06, 2002 you wrote the following
about [Default account settings]:

Mike> Is there some way to change the default settings for
Mike> new accounts created in The Bat! ? I want to change
Mike> things like the new/reply/forward templates, time to
Mike> mark a message as read, etc.

  Sure. Just go to Account Properties, select Templates &
  change 'em to your heart's content.

Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA
TB! V1.60c/W2K_SP2
ICQ 41116329

Current Ver: 1.60i
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Bug Reports:

Re: default account column settings and threading mode

2000-12-23 Thread A . Curtis Martin

Hash: SHA1

On Sat, 23 Dec 2000 16:27:07 -0800, Ming-Li graced us with
these comments:

ML> Sorry, I forgot to address the following argument in my previous
ML> reply.

I'll answer this one because you said in a single clear sentence what
you expounded on in your previous note. :=)

>> For me, my default folders are TRUE defaults. If I wish to change
>> the sorting view, I wish it to be done for all the folders.

ML> You mean "sorting view", or threading view?

I mean all the different threading views and the unthreaded view.

ML> Either one is hard to understand to me. May I ask how many of your
ML> folders are default folders?

Out of 28 folders, 15 are using the default settings.

ML> To me, I want all my folders (except Outbox and Sent folder) to be
ML> default folders. IOW, I want all my folders to look the same
ML> threading by, say, references. Same as you, I want different column
ML> settings for "threading by references" and "threading by subject".

Not really like me. I may wish to thread two folders by references and
yet wish to have different column settings for both folders. It depends
on what types of messages I'm threading. For instance, message size may
be important to me in one folder while it's not in the other.

ML> The most logical way to do this, is to have 5 default column
ML> settings, one for each threading view.

Yes! This is what I understood from your explanation in your previous
message and I agree that this would be the only way of sorting this out
while maintaining present functionality and I must say, it sounds good.
:=) I have no problem with that. However, I'm beginning to wonder if
this isn't already the case. Hmmm, if I change one of my default folders
view to different threading modes, adjusting the column settings, I can
now switch from one view to the other and see that my adjustments have
been saved for each view. If I go to another of the default folders and
do the same, I see the same column settings as I created in the previous
default folder appear. So it would seem that this has already been
implemented. Now its just to implement an option that prevents the other
default folders from changing threading view when one of the others has
been changed.

ML> Then all my folders could be default folders, and when I change
ML> view, it just use the default column setting for that view.


ML> What I don't want, is when I change threading view for my TB-related
ML> folders (which I prefer threading by references), my school mailing
ML> list folders are also changed. Why? Because it makes no sense to
ML> thread my school mail by references (many of them have no reference
ML> fields in the headers). Currently the only way to avoid this is to
ML> make one (or both) of them a non-default folder, and change its
ML> settings individually. But that makes adjusting column settings a
ML> pain.

Not really. You do it once. I can't tell the last time I've adjusted
column settings and half of my folders don't use default column

ML> Say I have 10 folders (actually many more). 2 of them are normally
ML> threaded by references, 3 of them are threaded by subject, and the
ML> other 5 not threaded at all. The best I can do is set the 5
ML> non-threaded to default folders, and adjust column settings for the
ML> other 5 individually. I regularly use those 3 threading views for
ML> all of them (though for each folder, one is preferred and used most
ML> often), so I have to set up 18 different column settings (and the
ML> more folders I have, the more settings to set up). If we do it my
ML> way, I need to do that only 3 times, regardless how many folders I
ML> have!

I see the problem you're having and I agree with your solution though
I'd prefer if it were made optional. I personally prefer if the view
changes as well as the column settings for all my default folders when I
make a change.

- --
 | A. Curtis Martin  [List Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA]  |
 | PGPKey: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendAlliePGPKey |
@_@   (Opinions given are mine and not those of RITLABS)   @_@

'Daddy, why doesn't this magnet pick up this floppy disk?'
TB! v1.48f | Windows NT 5.00.2195 (Service Pack 1)

Version: PGP 6.5.8
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Re: default account column settings and threading mode

2000-12-23 Thread Ming-Li

On Saturday, December 23, 2000, 11:10:23 AM, A. wrote:

Sorry, I forgot to address the following argument in my previous

> For me, my default folders are TRUE defaults. If I wish to change
> the sorting view, I wish it to be done for all the folders.

You mean "sorting view", or threading view? Either one is hard to
understand to me. May I ask how many of your folders are default

To me, I want all my folders (except Outbox and Sent folder) to be
default folders. IOW, I want all my folders to look the same when
threading by, say, references. Same as you, I want different column
settings for "threading by references" and "threading by subject".
The most logical way to do this, is to have 5 default column
settings, one for each threading view. Then all my folders could be
default folders, and when I change view, it just use the default
column setting for that view.

What I don't want, is when I change threading view for my TB-related
folders (which I prefer threading by references), my school mailing
list folders are also changed. Why? Because it makes no sense to
thread my school mail by references (many of them have no reference
fields in the headers). Currently the only way to avoid this is to
make one (or both) of them a non-default folder, and change its
settings individually. But that makes adjusting column settings a

Say I have 10 folders (actually many more). 2 of them are normally
threaded by references, 3 of them are threaded by subject, and the
other 5 not threaded at all. The best I can do is set the 5
non-threaded to default folders, and adjust column settings for the
other 5 individually. I regularly use those 3 threading views for
all of them (though for each folder, one is preferred and used most
often), so I have to set up 18 different column settings (and the
more folders I have, the more settings to set up). If we do it my
way, I need to do that only 3 times, regardless how many folders I

Assuming I want to adjust the size of my TB window tomorrow, and
want to adjust the width of subject column. How many adjustments do
I have to make? Currently, 18. In my way, 3.

Best regards,

The Bat! 1.48f | Win2k SP1

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Re: default account column settings and threading mode

2000-12-23 Thread Ming-Li

On Saturday, December 23, 2000, 11:10:23 AM, A. wrote:

ML>> It shouldn't be hard to change the behavior, either.

> It doesn't seem so straightforward to me, unless the business of
> assigning each view their own column settings is avoided.

I do know each threading view can have its own column settings, but
it just add more fields to my hypothetical folder structure table. I
don't think it increases the complexity, though.

> If I thread messages, I set my columns differently from if I don't
> thread. I also set the columns differently when threading by
> references as opposed to threading by subject. I appreciate being
> able to toggle these views in one view folder and see that the
> columns are appropriately adjusted for each view as I want it. I
> actually love this facility.

Me too, no argument with that.

> Now, if I change from no threading to threading by references in one of
> my default folders and expect that the other folders columns will not
> change as well, how can the default folder implementation remain the way
> it is and yet the functionality of being able to configure column
> settings for each sorting method, on a per folder basis remain intact
> without things remaining the way they are now?

I don't see why not.

Let me expand my table a little. Here's what we have:

Foldercurrentcol setting 0col setting 1col setting 2 .

A 0  xyz  yzxtqwer
B 2  tyui rty iop
C 3  vbm  xcv ghjk
[Def] 1  edc  tgb ujm

Again, A, B, and C are non-default folders. TB remembers their
column settings for each threading view (col setting 0 to 4,
corresponding to alt-0 to alt-4). When you switch threading view for
folder A (from 0 to 2), you don't have to readjust its col setting,
for TB would take it from the col setting 2. Same for the default

What I suggest is:

Foldercurrentcol setting 0col setting 1col setting 2 .

A 0  xyz  yzxtqwer
B 2  tyui rty iop
C 3  vbm  xcv ghjk
[Def] N/Aedc  tgb ujm
D 0  [def][def]   [def]
E 1  [def][def]   [def]
F 2  [def][def]   [def]

You see? We don't have to change the table structure in place. We
only need to define a new value for the fields (signalling that
[def] is to be used) and slight changes to the program logic. So
default folders (folder D to F) can have their own threading view
respectively, but their column settings would be taken from the
appropriate field of the [Def] folder record.

Hope that clears my intention.

Best regards,

The Bat! 1.48f | Win2k SP1

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Re: default account column settings and threading mode

2000-12-23 Thread A . Curtis Martin

Hash: SHA1

On Sat, 23 Dec 2000 08:38:35 -0800, Ming-Li contributed this
to our collective wisdom:


ML> Or let me put it this way: I'm thankful for the existence of default
ML> column settings, for it allows me to adjust column arrangement and
ML> the adjustment is made to all like folders. OTOH, when I change
ML> threading mode, I don't want other folders' threading mode to be
ML> changed.

ML> It shouldn't be hard to change the behavior, either.

It doesn't seem so straightforward to me, unless the business of
assigning each view their own column settings is avoided.

If I thread messages, I set my columns differently from if I don't
thread. I also set the columns differently when threading by references
as opposed to threading by subject. I appreciate being able to toggle
these views in one view folder and see that the columns are
appropriately adjusted for each view as I want it. I actually love this

Now, if I change from no threading to threading by references in one of
my default folders and expect that the other folders columns will not
change as well, how can the default folder implementation remain the way
it is and yet the functionality of being able to configure column
settings for each sorting method, on a per folder basis remain intact
without things remaining the way they are now?

ML> TB already remembers the treading mode and column settings on a
ML> folder by folder basis (unless those using the default column
ML> settings).

It also remembers the columns settings for each major sorting method on
a per folder basis.

ML> It shouldn't be hard to change the behavior, either.  So the folder
ML> structure database should look something like:


ML> Now, I feel it's better if it's like this:

ML> Folder idthreading   column settings

ML> A1   ...
ML> B2   ...
ML> C3   ...
ML> D1   [default]
ML> E2   [default]
ML> [Default]N/A   ...

ML> So D and E can have their respective threading mode, but use the
ML> same column settings.

I don't think you're realising that each sorting mode is assigned its
own column settings and that this is very useful. This is what is
complicating matters. I don't want my columns to be the same for thread
view as opposed to non-threaded view. I even prefer a different column
setting for threading by references as opposed to threading by subject.
If I decide to change to sorting view for a folder, the columns would
need to be changed as well and if this a default folder then whammo!,
the conflict arises.

For me, my default folders are TRUE defaults. If I wish to change the
sorting view, I wish it to be done for all the folders. If I wish the
columns to be changed, I wish it for all the folders. IOW's, all the
default folders should look exactly alike at all times.

If there's an exception to that rule, I can always go back and change
the odd one out manually after the grand change has been made.

- --
 | A. Curtis Martin  [List Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA]  |
 | PGPKey: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendAlliePGPKey |
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Re: default account column settings and threading mode

2000-12-23 Thread Ming-Li

On Saturday, December 23, 2000, 6:24:07 AM, Jannik wrote:

>> Just found out that checking the "use account default column
>> settings" option in a folder's properties would not only do that,
>> but also subject the folder to the "default threading mode", if
>> there's such a thing.

> Is it proper to speak of a default threading mode? I think not. It
> appears to me that there is no way to fix threading mode "enough" to
> justify speaking of a "default threading mode".

What do you mean by "fixing" threading mode? Enough?

> True, if you choose a given threading mode in a folder with the
> "use default column settings" checked, the threading mode of the
> other folders with this option checked changes too.

It's exactly this behavior that makes me calling it "default
threading mode", for its obvious analogy to the "default column

> But so what? You only need to press Alt + 0-5 to change the
> threading mode to whatever you like.

I know that, and that's what I've been doing. What I want is not
having to change threading mode when changing folder. From my POV at
least, it would be a more logical implementation.

> Is this flexibility not preferable to a true "default threading
> mode", where you would have to open a dialogue whenever you wanted
> to view in a different threading mode?

Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about. Dialog? What dialog?
I didn't advocate any dialog, did I?

> (Why not go for a "default sorting mode" as well, then?!)

You seems to think I'm suggesting a default threading mode
(otherwise I can't make sense of this sentence). I didn't! I said I
want threading mode to be separated from the default column
settings. I didn't say I want a default threading mode, let alone
default sorting mode.

> As I understand your problem it is not caused by the folders sharing
> threading mode, but by TB not being able to fix folders by other
> parameters than account settings. Some other mail- and news client has
> an "apply to sub-folders"-option, and it would be nice with something
> like this in TB. But, preferably, something stronger: like an option
> to set *any* folder as model for column settings - and a corresponding
> option to *choose* any of the model-folders' settings for a given
> folder. I belive this could solve your problems (it certainly would
> solve mine!).

The ability to set options on multiple folders and even across
accounts have been mentioned by many (me included), and I believe
RIT knows it.

What I was suggesting, however, is not really related to it. I like
the way default column settings work in TB. It isn't very intuitive
(so many new users ask about how to set up the default column
settings), but once you get it, it's very easy to use. Yes, it would
be nice if I can set up a column arrangement and apply it to several
folders, but that won't make the "default column settings" less

Threading mode is another thing. How I want to thread a mailing list
has nothing to do with how I want my "default column settings" to

Or let me put it this way: I'm thankful for the existence of default
column settings, for it allows me to adjust column arrangement and
the adjustment is made to all like folders. OTOH, when I change
threading mode, I don't want other folders' threading mode to be

It shouldn't be hard to change the behavior, either. TB already
remembers the treading mode and column settings on a folder by
folder basis (unless those using the default column settings). So
the folder structure database should look something like:

Folder idthreading   column settings

A1   ...
B2   ...
C3   ...
[Default]1   ...

where A, B, and C are folders that don't use the default column

Now, I feel it's better if it's like this:

Folder idthreading   column settings

A1   ...
B2   ...
C3   ...
D1   [default]
E2   [default]
[Default]N/A   ...

So D and E can have their respective threading mode, but use the
same column settings.

Best regards,

The Bat! 1.48f | Win2k SP1

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Re: default account column settings and threading mode

2000-12-23 Thread Jannik Lindquist

Hello Ming-Li,

On Thursday, December 21, 2000 at 06:41:07 GMT -0800 you wrote on
"default account column settings and threading mode":

> Just found out that checking the "use account default column
> settings" option in a folder's properties would not only do that,
> but also subject the folder to the "default threading mode", if
> there's such a thing.

Is it proper to speak of a default threading mode? I think not. It
appears to me that there is no way to fix threading mode "enough" to
justify speaking of a "default threading mode". True, if you choose a
given threading mode in a folder with the "use default column
settings" checked, the threading mode of the other folders with this
option checked changes too. But so what? You only need to press Alt +
0-5 to change the threading mode to whatever you like.

Is this flexibility not preferable to a true "default threading mode",
where you would have to open a dialogue whenever you wanted to view in
a different threading mode? (Why not go for a "default sorting mode"
as well, then?!)

As I understand your problem it is not caused by the folders sharing
threading mode, but by TB not being able to fix folders by other
parameters than account settings. Some other mail- and news client has
an "apply to sub-folders"-option, and it would be nice with something
like this in TB. But, preferably, something stronger: like an option
to set *any* folder as model for column settings - and a corresponding
option to *choose* any of the model-folders' settings for a given
folder. I belive this could solve your problems (it certainly would
solve mine!).

I'm sorry that I couldn't make my point more brief and clear, but I
hope it's clear enough to contribute to the discussion of what it
actually is that we should be putting on the wish list in this

Best regards,

Jannik Lindquist

The Bat! Ver. 1.48e
Windows 98 4 10   A 

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Re: default account column settings and threading mode

2000-12-22 Thread Ming-Li

On Thursday, December 21, 2000, 10:41:58 AM, A. wrote:

> Yes, it has always been like this.


> Well, you may have already noted that each view has its own column
> settings, in that if you switch from one thread view to another,
> the columns will change.

Yes, this much I know.

> Therefore, if you change from unthreaded mode to threaded mode in
> one of the folders using the default column settings, you'd have
> effectively changed its column settings and the other default
> folders will follow suit.

Thank you for trying to make sense of it. Still, since TB is smart
enough to remember different column settings for different threading
mode, I don't see why it shouldn't remember which mode one folder is

The way I see it, there are one default column setting for each
threading mode, and a folder using default settings should be able
to choose its own mode.

Well, another wish list item. For now, I guess I have to give up the
default settings for about 2/3 of my folders. :(

Best regards,

The Bat! 1.48f | Win2k SP1

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Re: default account column settings and threading mode

2000-12-21 Thread A . Curtis Martin

Hash: SHA1

When I saw Ming-Li's message about "default account column settings and
threading mode ", I felt like making these comments:

ML> [snipped] IOW, if you change the column settings on a folder with
ML> the option enabled, all other folders (in the same account) with the
ML> same option enabled would be changed, too. So much is expected. What
ML> I didn't know is, changing the threading mode of one such folder
ML> also change the threading mode of others.

ML> Has it always been like this (how come I didn't notice it)?

Yes, it has always been like this.

ML> IMHO, it's not a good idea. First of all, the account default column
ML> settings should be just that, not including threading mode. Second,
ML> as a practical matter, it doesn't make sense, either. [snipped]

ML> Could someone tell me if it's always been like this, or it's been
ML> changed? What's your take on this? Any advantages to its current
ML> implementation?

Well, you may have already noted that each view has its own column
settings, in that if you switch from one thread view to another, the
columns will change. Therefore, if you change from unthreaded mode to
threaded mode in one of the folders using the default column settings,
you'd have effectively changed its column settings and the other default
folders will follow suit.

Whether or not the other folders should follow threaded mode, I agree
that they shouldn't but I do see why the 'problem' exists. I personally
don't mind since I use the same view and column settings for my default
folders. It works for me but I see your problem and acknowledge it.

- --
 | A. Curtis Martin  [List Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA]  |
 | PGPKey: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendAlliePGPKey |
@_@   (Opinions given are mine and not those of RITLABS)   @_@

'As long as I can remember, I've had amnesia.'
TB! v1.48f | Windows NT 5.00.2195 (Service Pack 1)

Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: Digitally signed for sender verification.


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