Re: Filter help

2021-07-22 Thread Jack S. LaRosa
Hello Ian,

On Wednesday, July 21, 2021 you wrote:

IAW> G'day  Jack,

>> Anyone have any idea why the filter caught 39 of them and not any of the 
>> others?

IAW> I have a similar situation where I use the following common filter for 
incoming messages.

IAW> The "members" of the group are set as contacts in an addressbook group.
IAW> I then use \\\Inbox\%AbFromGroup as the destination
IAW> folder and where the members have just one e-mail address, there is
IAW> generally no issue. It is when they have multiple addresses each that there
IAW> appears to be an issue with how the addresses are entered and used.
IAW> I have had to enter a blank line between addresses and even going to the
IAW> start of each address and pressing enter. The extra blank lines get deleted
IAW> (which points to an addressbook issue) so that when you go into the entry
IAW> again the blank lines are no longer there.

IAW> Maybe your issue is similar.

Unfortunately I won't know if Stuart's suggestion bore fruit until I clean out
all the emails that got trapped by the filter because of an error on  my part.
However, if Stuart's suggestion did *not* work as hoped I'll be delighted to try

Thank you Ian.

Central Alabama USA

The Bat! E-Mail Client by Ritlabs version 6.0.12
Windows 10 Home Build 9200

Current version is 9.1.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Filter help

2021-07-21 Thread Jack S. LaRosa
Hello Stuart,

On Wednesday, July 21, 2021 you wrote:

SC> Hello Jack,
SC>   A reminder of what Jack S. LaRosa typed on:
SC>   July 21, 2021 at 12:46:20 GMT -0500

JSL>> It seems so simple and as I mentioned, a "re-filter" action on the source 
JSL>> did find 39 of the emails contained in the block of addresses. But only 
on the
JSL>> first re-filter. Subsequent re-filterings MOVED no more addresses. Even
JSL>> changing the condition ie: SENDER, TEXT, HEADER, MESSAGE SOURCE, or 
JSL>> had no effect. It never did find any more of the multitude of addresses
JSL>> contained in the block.

SC> Did you try Sender "Contains any of" instead of just "Contains"

That MAY have worked Stuart. Un-fortunately, I had a couple of conditions set in
the actual filter from previous tests, and in my haste to try your suggestion I
overlooked them. This caused many emails to get moved to the destination folder
that shouldn't have. I'll have to weed out those inadvertant moves and compare
the final count of emails to the count before the re-filter to see if it has
gone up.

I'll let you know.

Many thanks Stuart.

Central Alabama USA

The Bat! E-Mail Client by Ritlabs version 6.0.12
Windows 10 Home Build 9200

Current version is 9.1.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Filter help

2021-07-21 Thread Stuart Cuddy
Hello Jack,
  A reminder of what Jack S. LaRosa typed on:
  July 21, 2021 at 12:46:20 GMT -0500

JSL> It seems so simple and as I mentioned, a "re-filter" action on the source 
JSL> did find 39 of the emails contained in the block of addresses. But only on 
JSL> first re-filter. Subsequent re-filterings MOVED no more addresses. Even
JSL> changing the condition ie: SENDER, TEXT, HEADER, MESSAGE SOURCE, or HEADER 
JSL> had no effect. It never did find any more of the multitude of addresses
JSL> contained in the block.

Did you try Sender "Contains any of" instead of just "Contains"

Best regards,
 Using The Bat! Version (64-bit)
 On Windows 10.0 Build #22000

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Re: Filter help

2021-07-21 Thread Jack S. LaRosa
Hello MAU,

On Wednesday, July 21, 2021 you wrote:

M> Hello Jack,

>> I have a folder which contains multiple unique emails from a particular 
>> group of
>> people. They were originally moved there manually. I wanted to create a 
>> filter
>> for the source folder to look for the characters in their email addresses 
>> which
>> appear before the @ sign, then move those emails to the aforementioned
>> destination folder. When I re-filtered the source folder, only about 39 of 
>> the
>> emails actually got moved. Many more which met the criteria specified in the
>> filter were never moved. I double and tripled checked for typing errors and
>> there were none.

M> It  would  be  much  better that instead of trying to explain what your
M> filter  does,  or  you  think it does, that you copied your filter and
M> pasted it here in the list so that we could really look at the filter,
M> and maybe even test it.

>> I used the block option in the creation of the filter because there were so 
>> many
>> (about 128) addresses I wanted caught.

M> I don't know how you used the block option unless I do see the filter.
M> Anyway,  if you are talking about 128 or so addresses, my own approach
M> would  be  to  put  all  those addresses in an Address Book Group, say
M> '128ers', and the in the filter condition use:

M> Address groups 128ers contains Sender

Thank you Miguel. I'm going to try your suggestion.

However, if this .png makes it through (it's only 4KB), it'll show how the
filter is built. Notice the up/down arrows to the right of the box displaying
"email address 5". clicking those arrows will move you up or down through all
the 127 *actual* addresses entered in the "block".

It seems so simple and as I mentioned, a "re-filter" action on the source folder
did find 39 of the emails contained in the block of addresses. But only on the
first re-filter. Subsequent re-filterings MOVED no more addresses. Even
changing the condition ie: SENDER, TEXT, HEADER, MESSAGE SOURCE, or HEADER FIELD
had no effect. It never did find any more of the multitude of addresses
contained in the block.

Central Alabama USA

The Bat! E-Mail Client by Ritlabs version 6.0.12
Windows 10 Home Build 9200
Current version is 9.1.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Filter help

2021-07-21 Thread MAU
Hello Jack,

> I have a folder which contains multiple unique emails from a particular group 
> of
> people. They were originally moved there manually. I wanted to create a filter
> for the source folder to look for the characters in their email addresses 
> which
> appear before the @ sign, then move those emails to the aforementioned
> destination folder. When I re-filtered the source folder, only about 39 of the
> emails actually got moved. Many more which met the criteria specified in the
> filter were never moved. I double and tripled checked for typing errors and
> there were none.

It  would  be  much  better that instead of trying to explain what your
filter  does,  or  you  think it does, that you copied your filter and
pasted it here in the list so that we could really look at the filter,
and maybe even test it.

> I used the block option in the creation of the filter because there were so 
> many
> (about 128) addresses I wanted caught.

I don't know how you used the block option unless I do see the filter.
Anyway,  if you are talking about 128 or so addresses, my own approach
would  be  to  put  all  those addresses in an Address Book Group, say
'128ers', and the in the filter condition use:

Address groups 128ers contains Sender

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial (Madrid)- Spain)
Using The Bat! vVersion (64-bit)

Current version is 9.1.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Filter Help needed

2009-03-12 Thread MAU
Hello Tom,

> All filters are set to continue processing with other filters.

> So if filter rule 3 is met, the journey ends in folder Bounce but
> otherwise rule 4 should apply.

You should then set filter 3 to NOT continue processing with other 

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v4.1.11.6
See some of my photos at

Current version is 4.1.11 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Filter Help

2008-01-22 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Tom,

On Tue, 22 Jan 2008 23:02:50 +1100 GMT (22/01/2008, 19:02 +0700 GMT),
Tom wrote:

T> thanks again for your patience.
T> Everything is working fine now.

You are most welcome. Thanks for your feedback.



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Re: Filter Help

2008-01-22 Thread Tom

Tuesday, January 22, 2008, 12:03:30 PM, you wrote:

T>> Anyway, I will try to inactivate the filter and see what happens
T>> first.

> Don't inactivate any filter. Just take that frigging tickmark off the
> "Continue" option in the first filter, that's all.  

thanks again for your patience.
Everything is working fine now. I realise that I did not fully
understand the meaning of the sequential filters and the tickmark.
I believed that without the tickmark the following filters would not
come into play at all (even for other messages).
I also thought once a message had been moved following filters were
not relevant anymore. I will be more careful with my filtering in

using TheBat! 3.99.29 on XP

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Re: Filter Help

2008-01-21 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Tom,

On Tue, 22 Jan 2008 08:16:29 +1100 GMT (22/01/2008, 04:16 +0700 GMT),
Tom wrote:

T> Thomas, thanks for your assistance. You are right with respect to the
T> accounts but that does not fully solve the issue.

OK. Good that we are clear which filter is in which account.

T> I understand now that my third filter only works on bounces aimed
T> to Account B directly. So this won't help me with bounces from my
T> automated account.


T> However I would still like to filter bounces from this account to
T> the bounce folder.

That's what the third filter does. Nothing wrong with it.

T> Your suggestion to remove the second filter causes a problem due to
T> a misunderstanding.

No! I don't suggest you remove any filter.

T> The first filter moving bounces from Account A to Account B does
T> not work correctly. Instead of moving the messages to the Bounce
T> Folder of Account B, it drops the messages into Customer In /
T> Account B.

The first filter moves the messages into the Bounce folder. It works.

T> I am not sure I understand the logic behind your suggestion re 2.
T> Filter.

T> You indicate that as my first filter is set to continue, the
T> second filter may undo the work of the first filter.

Exactly. In order for your requirements to work, you need to take the
tickmark off the Option "Continue with other fitlers" from the FIRST

When happens now is that the first filter moves the message to the
Bounce folder (check out Folder / Browse Deleted in that folder for
illustration), and then the second filter again moves it, this time to
the Customer In folder. The only way to prevent this is by telling the
first filter to stop processing the messages it catches. Then the
second filter won't be applied.

T> I will test your suggestion but would have thought that once moved
T> based on 1. Filter, the second filter should not have any "power"
T> over those emails anymore.

Usually it doesn't. But you explicetely gave it this power by ticking
on "Continue with other filters". Take the tickmark off and you'll be

T> If it works this way, can we amend the 2. Filter to exclude certain
T> emails?

What do you have in mind?

T> Anyway, I will try to inactivate the filter and see what happens
T> first.

Don't inactivate any filter. Just take that frigging tickmark off the
"Continue" option in the first filter, that's all. ;-)



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Re: Filter Help

2008-01-21 Thread Tom

Monday, January 21, 2008, 11:08:29 PM, you wrote:

> Hello Tom,

> On Mon, 21 Jan 2008 15:09:12 +1100 GMT (21/01/2008, 11:09 +0700 GMT),
> Tom wrote:

T>> here we go again:

T>> 1. Filter:

> This is in Account A. It moves the messages to the bounce folder in
> Account B. You say it works.

T>> 2. Filter:

> Is this also in Account A? Since the first filter is set to continue,
> the messages will now be moved back from the Bounce folder to the
> Customer In folder.

> My suggestion: Take the "Continue" tickmark off the 1. Filter.

T>> 3. Filter:

> If this is in Account B, the message won't be filtered. The filters
> are only triggered when messages arrive in the account directly, not
> via filtering action.

T>> hope that helps.

> Yes, I imported the filters and took a look at the settings.

> If I got it right in which accounts the filters are, I hope this helps
> you. If I am mistaken about the accounts, please clarify before I
> delete the filters again from my Sorting Office.

Thomas, thanks for your assistance. You are right with respect to the
accounts but that does not fully solve the issue.
I understand now that my third filter only works on bounces aimed
to Account B directly. So this won't help me with bounces from my
automated account. However I would still like to filter bounces from
this account to the bounce folder.
Your suggestion to remove the second filter causes a problem due to a
The first filter moving bounces from Account A to Account B does not
work correctly. Instead of moving the messages to the Bounce Folder of
Account B, it drops the messages into Customer In / Account B. Or more
likely, it does not work at all as the second filter on Account A is
meant to do exactly that. The reason is that the account is not only
used for automated emails but also for customers trying to contact us
by form.
I am not sure I understand the logic behind your suggestion re 2.
Filter. You indicate that as my first filter is set to continue, the
second filter may undo the work of the first filter. I will test your
suggestion but would have thought that once moved based on 1. Filter,
the second filter should not have any "power" over those emails
anymore. If it works this way, can we amend the 2. Filter to exclude
certain emails?

Anyway, I will try to inactivate the filter and see what happens

Thanks for your help.

using TheBat! 3.99.29 on XP

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Re: Filter Help

2008-01-21 Thread Christopher W .

MFPA @ 2008-1-21 9:39:23 AM
"Filter Help" 

>> If you copy it into a new message, then you can hold down ALT and
>> do a columnar selection.
> Wow that's cool! Is it a TB! feature or a general wp feature?

It seems to be a feature of more powerful text editors, like MicroEd
and my Notepad replacement, Programmer's Notepad

There is also line selection mode, which selects lines at a time. The
normal is stream selection mode.


Using The Bat! v3.99.29 on Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6000.
Accessing a POP3 mailbox.

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Re: Filter Help

2008-01-21 Thread MFPA

On Monday 21 January 2008 at 5:09:16 AM, in
, Christopher W. wrote:

> If you copy it into a new message, then you can hold down ALT and do a
> columnar selection.

Wow that's cool! Is it a TB! feature or a general wp feature?

Best regards,

Hard work never killed anyone, but why take a risk?

Using The Bat! v3.80.06 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1 

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Re: Filter Help

2008-01-21 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Tom,

On Mon, 21 Jan 2008 15:09:12 +1100 GMT (21/01/2008, 11:09 +0700 GMT),
Tom wrote:

T> here we go again:

T> 1. Filter:

This is in Account A. It moves the messages to the bounce folder in
Account B. You say it works.

T> 2. Filter:

Is this also in Account A? Since the first filter is set to continue,
the messages will now be moved back from the Bounce folder to the
Customer In folder.

My suggestion: Take the "Continue" tickmark off the 1. Filter.

T> 3. Filter:

If this is in Account B, the message won't be filtered. The filters
are only triggered when messages arrive in the account directly, not
via filtering action.

T> hope that helps.

Yes, I imported the filters and took a look at the settings.

If I got it right in which accounts the filters are, I hope this helps
you. If I am mistaken about the accounts, please clarify before I
delete the filters again from my Sorting Office.



Unter dem Einfluss von Alkohol griff eine naechtliche Polizeistreife
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Message reply created with The Bat! (ALPHA)
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Re: Filter Help

2008-01-20 Thread Christopher W .

Thomas Fernandez @ 2008-1-20 7:56:57 PM
"Filter Help" 

> Please post the filters without the ">" at the beginning. The way
> you posted them, I would have to copy from your mail into a word
> processor, take all these quote marks out manually, and then copy
> from there into the Sorting Office.

If you copy it into a new message, then you can hold down ALT and do a
columnar selection.


Using The Bat! v3.99.25 on Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6000.
Accessing a POP3 mailbox.

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Re: Filter Help

2008-01-20 Thread Tom

Monday, January 21, 2008, 12:56:57 PM, you wrote:

>>>  TB! Message Filter 

> Please post the filters without the ">" at the beginning. The way you
> posted them, I would have to copy from your mail into a word
> processor, take all these quote marks out manually, and then copy from
> there into the Sorting Office.

sorry about this :(

here we go again:

1. Filter:

 TB! Message Filter 
UID: [5B3C4E3A.01C855C5.5F44B337.2684A21A]
Name: Bounce
Filter: {\0D\0A\20`4`0`Mail\20Delivery\20\0D\0A1`5`0`Mailer-Daemon\0D\0A}
MoveMessage folder \5C\5CCustomerservice\5CBounce

2. Filter:

 TB! Message Filter 
UID: [0154AE7A.01C76B43.43122CF8.5E5344DC]
Name: Customerservice
MoveMessage folder \5C\5CCustomerservice\5CCUSTOMER\20IN

3. Filter:

 TB! Message Filter 
UID: [1D164CA0.01C854DF.6E62D0E0.2EAE5A67]
Name: Bounce
Filter: {\0D\0A\20`5`0`MAIL\20Delivery\0D\0A1`5`0`MAILER-DAEMON\0D\0A}
MoveMessage folder \5C\5CCustomerservice\5CBounce

hope that helps.
using TheBat! 3.99.29 on XP

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Re: Filter Help

2008-01-20 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Tom,

On Mon, 21 Jan 2008 07:39:16 +1100 GMT (21/01/2008, 03:39 +0700 GMT),
Tom wrote:

T> This filter is on the account that actually carries the incoming
T> message:

>>  TB! Message Filter 

Please post the filters without the ">" at the beginning. The way you
posted them, I would have to copy from your mail into a word
processor, take all these quote marks out manually, and then copy from
there into the Sorting Office.

I'm not going through this trouble. Just copy and paste into the mail



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Re: Filter Help

2008-01-20 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello MFPA,

On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 21:06:51 + GMT (21/01/2008, 04:06 +0700 GMT),
MFPA wrote:

>> Yes, but my guess is that you overlooked something.

M> Like maybe a tick in "continue processing with other filters"?

We will see this when we import the filters.



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Re: Filter Help

2008-01-20 Thread MFPA

On Sunday 20 January 2008 at 8:47:17 AM, in
, Thomas
Fernandez wrote:

> Yes, but my guess is that you overlooked something.

Like maybe a tick in "continue processing with other filters"?

Best regards,

No matter where you go, there you are.

Using The Bat! v3.80.06 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1 

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Re: Filter Help

2008-01-20 Thread Tom

Sunday, January 20, 2008, 7:47:17 PM, you wrote:

> To post the filter, you right-click on it and choose "copy". Then you
> paste it into your message. I am posting my TBUDL filter here for
> demonstration:

> Yes, but my guess is that you overlooked something.

thanks - I am sure you are right - here are the details:

This filter is on the account that actually carries the incoming

>  TB! Message Filter 
> beginFilter
> UID: [5B3C4E3A.01C855C5.5F44B337.2684A21A]
> Name: Bounce
> Filter: {\0D\0A\20`4`0`Mail\20Delivery\20\0D\0A1`5`0`Mailer-Daemon\0D\0A}
> MoveMessage folder \5C\5CCustomerservice\5CBounce
> IsContinue
> IsActive
> Ignore
> endFilter

The following filter is again on the incoming account and set behind
the first filter - this one works though does not help with the bounce
as it captures everything:

>  TB! Message Filter 
> beginFilter
> UID: [0154AE7A.01C76B43.43122CF8.5E5344DC]
> Name: Customerservice
> MoveMessage folder \5C\5CCustomerservice\5CCUSTOMER\20IN
> IsActive
> Ignore
> endFilter

The third  filter below is on the main account. I assume if the first
filter worked properly, I would not even need the second filter.

>  TB! Message Filter 
> beginFilter
> UID: [1D164CA0.01C854DF.6E62D0E0.2EAE5A67]
> Name: Bounce
> Filter: {\0D\0A\20`5`0`MAIL\20Delivery\0D\0A1`5`0`MAILER-DAEMON\0D\0A}
> MoveMessage folder \5C\5CCustomerservice\5CBounce
> IsContinue
> IsActive
> Ignore
> endFilter

using TheBat! 3.99.29 on XP

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Re: Filter Help

2008-01-20 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Tom,

On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 18:38:17 +1100 GMT (20/01/2008, 14:38 +0700 GMT),
Tom wrote:

T> What exactly do you want me to post? I thought I had provided the
T> details of the filter already?

To post the filter, you right-click on it and choose "copy". Then you
paste it into your message. I am posting my TBUDL filter here for

 TB! Message Filter 
UID: [2E74A880.01C4933A.0405FBCE.7C686508]
Filter: {\0D\0A\20`5`2`Reply-To:.*TBUDL\0D\0A}
MoveMessage folder \5C\5CGmane\5CBat\20TBUDL

Now, anybody can copy and paste this block into the Sortiung Office
and then test teh filter, or see what the conditions etc are.

T> I thought I had provided the details of the filter already?

Yes, but my guess is that you overlooked something.



Apple - Typically a device to seduce men, usually equipped with a
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Message reply created with The Bat! (ALPHA)
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Re: Filter Help

2008-01-19 Thread Tom

Sunday, January 20, 2008, 1:43:54 PM, you wrote:

> Hello Tom,

> On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 10:41:08 +1100 GMT (20/01/2008, 06:41 +0700 GMT),
> Tom wrote:

T>> This filter is set up as: if recipient contains [EMAIL PROTECTED] move to
T>> the folder \Account B\Customer in.
T>> This works fine.
T>> I put up a new filter ahead of this for the bounces:
T>> if Text contains "Mail Delivery" or Header contains "Mailer-Daemon"
T>> move to the folder \\Account B\Bounce.

> This should work, I think. You also said that you put the filter
> "ahead" of the customer filter, which is important, as the filters are
> checked from top to bottom, in that order.

> I believe there is another problem, somewhere were you didn't look. If
> possible, I suggest you post the filter here so we can play with it.

What exactly do you want me to post? I thought I had provided the
details of the filter already?

using TheBat! 3.99.29 on XP

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Re: Filter Help

2008-01-19 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Tom,

On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 10:41:08 +1100 GMT (20/01/2008, 06:41 +0700 GMT),
Tom wrote:

T> This filter is set up as: if recipient contains [EMAIL PROTECTED] move to
T> the folder \Account B\Customer in.
T> This works fine.
T> I put up a new filter ahead of this for the bounces:
T> if Text contains "Mail Delivery" or Header contains "Mailer-Daemon"
T> move to the folder \\Account B\Bounce.

This should work, I think. You also said that you put the filter
"ahead" of the customer filter, which is important, as the filters are
checked from top to bottom, in that order.

I believe there is another problem, somewhere were you didn't look. If
possible, I suggest you post the filter here so we can play with it.



If you have a glass eye, tap on it occasionally with your pen while
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Message reply created with The Bat! (ALPHA)
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Re: Filter Help

2008-01-19 Thread Stuart Cuddy
Hello Tom,
  A reminder of what Tom typed on:
  Saturday, January 19, 2008 at 10:41:08 GMT +1100

T> Is there a better criteria I should look for in the header for my
T> filter or another reason why my setup is failing. I just would like
T> all incoming mails in Account B with the bounces separated from the
T> other emails.

I use a filter that filters on the Subject as follows:

Subject contains any of the following Delivery Notification: Delivery has failed
  Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
  failure notice
  Mail status report
  Mail System Error - Returned Mail
  Returned mail: see transcript for details
  Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender

This seems to work OK, but I don't kknow why your method should not
work, assuming you have everything setup correctly.

Best regards,
 Stuartmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Using The Bat! v4.0.0.12 (ALPHA)
 On Windows XP 5.1 Build #2600

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Re: Filter Help

2006-05-03 Thread Robert D.
Thomas Fernandez waved a wand then said : '>
TF> "Header field" "Reply-To" "contains" 

that's as we say here,  'The Rub'  Reply-To contains :
An Address Group (((Lists in my case))
IS in ANY friendly AB would be OK
IS on a whitelist would be OK

But, as implemented by TB! can only compare to a single entity.

Highly impractical. I could see 70 to 100 "OR" statements. Heaven help
me if I had to go through and see IF I had added one or the other.

AN email header contains an X-flag

if the sender is friendly and known then the X-Flag is wrong
   Or, in the case of Lists (typical)
   if the Reply-To IS the friendly address
  Then the X-Flag is False
 trash the message as it is truly spam

List  they use that Reply-To
  THAT's the Rub.

Robert D.
The Bat! Version: 3.80.03
Windows ME

Current version is 3.71.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Filter Help

2006-05-03 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Robert,

On Wed, 3 May 2006 06:46:01 -0400 GMT (03/05/2006, 17:46 +0700 GMT),
Robert D. wrote:

RD> Help please. Or admit we need to be able to examine AB against
RD> Reply-To field and it's variants.

"Header field" "Reply-To" "contains" 


"Addressbook" "contains" "Sender and all recipients"

Now, when I looked for it, I thought it meant "Sender or any
recipient". Hm. Maybe they mean "AB should be checked against all".
Give it a try.



If a man speaks in the forest and there is no woman around to hear
him, is he still wrong?

Message reply created with The Bat! 3.80.03
under Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is 3.71.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Filter help needed -- incoming/outgoing

2004-12-14 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Tue 14-Dec-04 9:10pm -0600, Munango-Keewati wrote:

> I'm trying to create a filter that will move both incoming and
> outgoing messages to a single folder, based on the name of the sender
> or recipient. That is, I'm trying to collect both messages to and from
> one individual in the same folder for future reference. Incoming
> messages work fine, but outgoing still go to the Sent Mail folder.
> Here's the filter (edited to conceal real names and email addresses):

TB! can't do that.  You should start off by reading
about filters - there's plenty of good references on
the WWW.

Why do you feel you need to do this in a single filter?
Once you have a basic idea about what filters are, you
will see that it is a trivial task using two filters -
one for incoming and one for outgoing.

Best regards,

Beta Pro  BayesIt! 0.7.6  X-Ray  XMP 0.9.6  XP Pro SP2  POP3

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Re: Filter help needed -- incoming/outgoing

2004-12-14 Thread Stuart Cuddy
Hello Munango-Keewati,
Tuesday, December 14, 2004, 9:10:31 PM, you wrote:

MK> Any suggestions on how to make this work?

Do you have this in the Sorting Office under outgoing mail as well as
Incoming Mail. Actually, you don't have to have Sender and Recipient
in both, just sender in Incoming and Recipient in the Outgoing.

 Stuartmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Using The Bat! v3.0.2.8 on Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Filter Help.

2000-01-30 Thread Syafril Hermansyah

Hello Shanmugam Ganeshkumar,

On  Sunday,  January  30, 2000 at 21:05:43 GMT +0700 (GMT+0700) (which
was 31/01/2000 21:05 GMT + 0700 my Local Time) you told to the list:

SG> Whenever  I  create a filter and close the program the filter goes
SG> away. I have tried all the setting and all seems to be ok.

SG> Can someone tell me how to handel this filters so that the rules remain
SG> forever. Is there a way to save this feature?

Are  you  change  the  directory  of folder from one drive to other or
change the windows profile (logon to windows with other user) ?
Check out, if account.fld file already on The Bat! default directory.

- Syafril -

Name: Syafril Hermansyah | Company : Duta Integrasi Pratama 
Mailto  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Voice   : (62) (21) 385-1600
URL :  | FAX : (62) (21) 351-9241  

Using The Bat! 1.41 / Beta1 under Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 

Created : Monday, January 31, 2000, 10:23:48

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Re: Filter Help.

2000-01-30 Thread Allie Martin

On Sun, 30 Jan 2000 23:30:28 +0800, Thomas Fernandez wrote:

SG>> Whenever I create a filter and close the program the filter goes
SG>> away. I have tried all the setting and all seems to be ok.

> I cannot help you, because the problem does not exist here. Sorry.

I don't have the problem either and I am wondering if the
problem lies with your securing the account.

It's really bizarre because the sorting office filters will
save any changes you make, no matter how you close it when you're
through. It saves all the changes that I make whether I close it using
the 'close' button or the general window 'close' button in the right
upper corner of the window.

 CU, Allie ...
Using The Bat! v1.39 «‡» Windows NT4.0 (Service Pack 6)
** For exercise, men can walk. Women talk. **

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Re: Filter Help.

2000-01-30 Thread Thomas Fernandez

Hallo Shanmugam,

On Sun, 30 Jan 2000 21:05:43 +0700 (GMT+0700) GMT (30.01.2000, 22:05 +0800 GMT),
Shanmugam Ganeshkumar wrote:

SG> Whenever I create a filter and close the program the filter goes away. I
SG> have tried all the setting and all seems to be ok.

I cannot help you, because the problem does not exist here. Sorry.

SG> Can someone tell me how to handel this filters so that the rules remain
SG> forever. Is there a way to save this feature?

Could you describe how you create and save the filter?

I use Account/Sorting Office, choose a folder, click on New, and fill
in the rules etc. The moment I Close the Sorting Office, the filter is
saved. It will still be there when I close TB - or my machine - and
reopen it the next time.

Another way is the click on Message/Special/Create Filter. The moment
I click on OK, the filter is saved.


Thomas mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Message reply created with The Bat! 1.39
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998 
using an Intel Celeron 366Mhz, 128MB RAM

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Re: filter help

2000-01-17 Thread Thomas Fernandez

Hi G.,

On Mon, 17 Jan 2000 18:10:32 -0500GMT (18/01/2000, 07:10 +0800GMT),
G. Cowling, SRNA wrote:

GCS> Is there any way to set up a filter which can redirect a message to an
GCS> address contained in the text of the original message?

This should be possible with Regular Expressions, if I am not
%TO="" %TO="your regexp"

The regexp should find the email address you want to send the message
to, so you must have some format.



Message reply created with The Bat! 1.39
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998  
on a Pentium II/350 MHz.

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