Re: Quick templates and html

2014-04-17 Thread MFPA

On Wednesday 16 April 2014 at 2:22:19 AM, in
, Robin Anson wrote:

> How can that be? I don't know, but I have finally given
> up on TB! for business use and am moving to Outlook
> now.  

Wow, that's drastic.

At work I am forced to use Outlook, but do not use HTML except on the
very odd occasion that I need to add into the email _body_ something
that cannot easily be shown in plaintext. The vast majority of the
time, such content sits more happily in my mind as an attachment. I
send and receive dozens of emails per day with (mainly) Word, Excel,
and PDF attachments. I only send an HTML email a small handful of
times per year, and typically only receive one or two per month that
cannot be usefully viewed in plaintext

Many of my colleagues use HTML for all emails, pointlessly as the only
thing they could not have done in plaintext is a fancy or coloured
font in their signature block. (-;

Best regards

I'll tell you what's the matter!  This parrot is dead!

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Re: Quick templates and html

2014-04-16 Thread Feli Wilcke
Hello Robin,

On Wed, 16 Apr 2014 11:22:19 +1000GMT Robin Anson wrote:

RA> How can that be? I don't know, but I have finally given up on TB! for
RA> business use and am moving to Outlook now.

What a pity! I use HTML templates for my business accounts and they are
working without problems.


The Bat! Version 6.3.4 (64-bit) on Windows 7 6.1 7601 Service Pack 1

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Re: Quick templates and html

2014-04-15 Thread Robin Anson
On Sun, 13 Apr 2014 at 00:52:24 +0400,Assad wrote:
> Hello Robin,
> On 08 April 2014, Robin Anson wrote and made these points on the
> subject of "Quick templates and html":
RA>> I haven't yet sorted out why the delimiters I use in my quick
RA>> templates (e.g. ", ', %, $, ^, etc) appear in the output when I use an
RA>> html message template.
>  One way you can circumvent this problem is to have the
> template in a separate Quick Template then use %Qinclude to call for the 
> template.

Actually, that is what I do.

I have discovered that if I execute the QT manually, i.e. I type it's
handle and then press CTRL+SPACE, it works fine. If I use %QInclude to
call it from the template, it fails.

How can that be? I don't know, but I have finally given up on TB! for
business use and am moving to Outlook now.


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