Re: Toolbar font

2021-05-14 Thread Jack S. LaRosa
Hello Lore,

On Friday, May 14, 2021 you wrote:

LG> Hello Jack,

LG> Friday, May 14, 2021, 10:29:36 AM, you wrote:

>> Hello Lore,

>> On Friday, May 14, 2021 you wrote:

LG>>> Friday, May 14, 2021, 5:16:26 AM, you wrote:

 Hello TBUDL'ers,

 Suddenly the text & icons at the top of the page have shrunk to a barely
 readable size. Can someone tell me where I might find that setting?

LG>>> Hi Jack,

LG>>> Right click on an empty spot on the toolbar and select Customize for 

>> Thanks Lore but that was the first thing I thought of. Unfortunately I never 
>> saw
>> where the font size could be changed. If it's buried somewhere even a second,
>> closer look failed to find it.

LG> Jack,

LG> Sorry I don't know where the specific options are for that.  There is such
LG> an abundance of options there, hopefully somebody who has done that 
recently will know.

Cancel red alert - It was something in windows. I re-booted the computer and 
everything is back to normal now.

Most of the time Windows behaves but you get so used to it behaving that when a 
problem crops up, Windows is not the first thing you think of.

Thanks for the help Lore.

Central Alabama USA

The Bat! E-Mail Client by Ritlabs version 6.0.12
Windows 10 Home Build 9200
Current version is 9.1.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Toolbar font

2021-05-14 Thread Lore Galore
Hello Jack,

Friday, May 14, 2021, 10:29:36 AM, you wrote:

> Hello Lore,

> On Friday, May 14, 2021 you wrote:

LG>> Friday, May 14, 2021, 5:16:26 AM, you wrote:

>>> Hello TBUDL'ers,

>>> Suddenly the text & icons at the top of the page have shrunk to a barely
>>> readable size. Can someone tell me where I might find that setting?

LG>> Hi Jack,

LG>> Right click on an empty spot on the toolbar and select Customize for 

> Thanks Lore but that was the first thing I thought of. Unfortunately I never 
> saw
> where the font size could be changed. If it's buried somewhere even a second,
> closer look failed to find it.


Sorry I don't know where the specific options are for that.  There is such an 
abundance of options there, hopefully somebody who has done that recently will 

Lore Galore
The Bat! E-Mail Client by Ritlabs v9.3.3

Current version is 9.1.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Toolbar font

2021-05-14 Thread Jack S. LaRosa
Hello Lore,

On Friday, May 14, 2021 you wrote:

LG> Friday, May 14, 2021, 5:16:26 AM, you wrote:

>> Hello TBUDL'ers,

>> Suddenly the text & icons at the top of the page have shrunk to a barely
>> readable size. Can someone tell me where I might find that setting?

LG> Hi Jack,

LG> Right click on an empty spot on the toolbar and select Customize for 

Thanks Lore but that was the first thing I thought of. Unfortunately I never saw
where the font size could be changed. If it's buried somewhere even a second,
closer look failed to find it.

Central Alabama USA

The Bat! E-Mail Client by Ritlabs version 6.0.12
Windows 10 Home Build 9200

Current version is 9.1.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Toolbar font

2021-05-14 Thread Lore Galore
Friday, May 14, 2021, 5:16:26 AM, you wrote:

> Hello TBUDL'ers,

> Suddenly the text & icons at the top of the page have shrunk to a barely
> readable size. Can someone tell me where I might find that setting?

Hi Jack,

Right click on an empty spot on the toolbar and select Customize for options.

Lore Galore
The Bat! E-Mail Client by Ritlabs v9.3.3

Current version is 9.1.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information: