I have the following two class definitions:

public class myclass {
    private int priv;
    public int f1;
    public int f2;
    public static int stat=5;
    public myclass () {
    public void setF2(int i) {
    public int getF2() {
        return f2;

public class mysubclass extends myclass {
    public int sub1;

I execute the following Tcl code to introspect my two classes, and there
seems to be some kind of inconsistency.  java::info on mysubclass
returns all of its fields as well as its parents; however it seems that
I can't use java::field to actually get/set the values of those fields:

% package require java
% java::info fields -type mysubclass
{int f1} {int f2} {int sub1}
% java::info fields -type -static mysubclass
{int stat}
% set obj [java::new mysubclass]  
% java::field $obj sub1
% java::field $obj f1
field "f1" doesn't exist
% java::field $obj stat
field "stat" doesn't exist

If I mess around with the parent class containing those fields, things
work out:

% java::field myclass stat
% set sobj [java::new myclass]
% java::field $sobj stat

This seems to be a big bug to me.  Am I doing something wrong, or is
there something wrong with Blend? Thanks.

Sandeep V. Tamhankar                    Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Software Engineer                       Phone: (650) 210-0103
Ajuba Solutions                         http://www.ajubasolutions.com

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