On Sat, 30 Sep 2000, Yinghu Na wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a problem when I run the tclBlend demo
> "watchpkg". I don't know how to pass the parameters to
> the command "swSet", "swStop", "swResume", and
> "swDie". For example, when I type the command "swSet
> java0x1(the returned id# by command "swNew") 10", it
> said " invalid command name "java0x1"". How should I
> fix it?

The trick to that is the need to keep a Tcl variable
with a live ref to the Java object around. If you
do not, the Java GC system will clean up the Java
object behind your back. I updated the README file
for that example, here is what is not looks like.

      To add the sw* Tcl procedures, after adding the
      StopWatchExtension (as shown above), type
      "source swCmd.tcl" at the Tcl command prompt.
      to create a new stop watch object and save
      a reference to the Tcl object, type:

      % set sw [swNew]

      To set the countdown time, type:

      % swSet $sw 10

Is that more clear?

Mo DeJong
Red Hat Inc

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