--- Begin Message ---
On Thu, 6 Jan 2022 23:35:30 -0800
Guy Harris <ghar...@sonic.net> wrote:

> It appears that a "GitHub skip hook" may have been first introduce in
> Buildbot 0.9.11:
>       https://docs.buildbot.net/0.9.11/relnotes/index.html
> with the hook being configurable by a regex match.  The 0.9.11
> documentation of the "skips" parameter of the GitHub hook:
>       https://docs.buildbot.net/0.9.11/manual/cfg-wwwhooks.html#chsrc-GitHub
> does not say anything about the skip item having to be on the first
> line of the commit message; it does say that the default parameter is
>       [r'\[ *skip *ci *\]', r'\[ *ci *skip *\]']
> so either [skip ci] or [ci skip] (with arbitrary numbers of blanks
> thrown in after [, between the words, or before ]) should work.

The matter is, it seems to disregard the non-default value.  This is
what has been in the configuration since 2021-04-14:

'skips': [
        r'\[ *skip *ci *\]',  # default
        r'\[ *ci *skip *\]',  # default
        r'\[ *skip *bb *\]',  # does not seem to work
        r'\[ *skip *buildbot *\]',  # idem

That had no effect on the day (Buildbot version likely 3.0.3 or 3.1.0):

This is now on the list of potential improvements.

> So:
>       to suppress *all* builds, put [skip ci] on the first line;
>       to suppress only AppVeyor builds (which currently means "do
> only UN*X builds"), put [skip appveyor] on the first line;
>       to suppress only Cirrus builds (which means "skip x86-64
> Linux, x86-64 macOS, and x86-64 FreeBSD", but that doesn't suppress
> ARM64 FreeBSD or non-x86-64 Linux, so I'm not sure how useful it is),
> put [skip cirrus] on the first line;
>       to suppress only our buildbot builds, put [skip ci] somewhere
> *other* than the first line;
>       to supporess any set of builders that's the union of the
> three lines above, do the items for the builders in question.

ci.html now includes this information, thank you for summarizing the
current state.

> There does not seem to be a way to do *only* Windows builds.  Putting
> [skip cirrus] on the first line and [skip ci] elsewhere in the commit
> message is the closest to that, but it won't suppress the OpenCSW
> builds, meaning "only Windows and Solaris".

This solution space does not match the problem space perfectly, but the
amount of useful feedback is worth the cost.

    Denis Ovsienko

--- End Message ---
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