On May 10, 2024, at 1:39 PM, Denis Ovsienko <de...@ovsienko.info> wrote:

> I have been looking through commits and the 1.10.5 section of libpcap
> change log, and the recent changes to the link-layer header type field
> structure look like a potential place for things to go wrong.
> Specifically, the new prose says:
>              P  (1  bit):  A bit that, if set, indicates that the
>              Frame Check Sequence (FCS) length value is present and,
>              if  not  set,  indicates that the FCS value is not
>              present.
> ...and:
>              FCS  len  (4  bits): A 4-bit unsigned value giving the
>              number of 16-bit (2-octet) words of FCS that are appended
>              to each  packet, if the P bit is set; if the P bit is not
>              set, and the FCS length is not indicated by the
>              link-layer type value, the FCS length is unknown.   The
>              valid  values of the FCS len field are between 0 and 15;
>              Ethernet, for example, would have an FCS length value of
>              2, corresponding to a 4-octet FCS.

This all began with this thread:


from 2007-02.  This thread:


continues it with a repost.  In


I first proposed "repurpose the upper 16 bits":

> Or perhaps the link type value in the file header should be interpreted as 
> having bitfields, with the lower 16 bits being the link layer type, and an 
> indication of whether there's an FCS present being somewhere in the upper 16 
> bits.
> NetBSD already uses the upper 16 bits for its own purpose - if the upper 16 
> bits are 0x0224, the lower 16 bits are a NetBSD address family value. (Given 
> that AF_INET6, for example, has at least 3 different values on various 
> BSD-flavored OSes, 0x0224 should be treated as NetBSD-specific, with other 
> values used for other OSes.)
> We could, for example, use the uppermost nibble as an FCS length indication, 
> with the bit below it being an indication of whether the FCS length is known 
> or not. That doesn't touch any of the bits in 0x0224.
> For all current DLT_ values, the bit would be clear, so the FCS length isn't 
> known; that's the case for Ethernet, as not only is it not known whether any 
> given DLT_EN10MB capture has FCSes in the packets or not (some do, some 
> don't), it's not even known which *packets* in a capture that does have FCSes 
> (packets sent by the machine doing the capture don't, but there's not a 
> per-packet way of indicating that).I think it would be possible to make this 
> work with pcap-NG as well.
> This has the advantage that "what is the link-layer header?" and "do frames 
> have FCSes?" are separate questions, answered in separate bitfields of the 
> link type value.

I think NetBSD never did much with their extension; we never did, either.

Florent Drouin, the person who asked for the "MTP2 with an FCS" DLT_ sent a 
patch to implement that idea in


The current pcap Editor's Draft:



        LinkType and additional information (32 bits):a 32-bit unsigned value 
that contains the link-layer type of packets in the file and may contain 
additional information.

        The LinkType and additional information field is in the form

                             1                   2                   3
         0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
        |FCS len|R|P|     Reserved3     |        Link-layer type        |

        Figure 2: LinkType and additional information

        The field is shown as if it were in the byte order of the host reading 
or writing the file, with bit 0 being the most-significant bit of the field and 
bit 31 being the least-significant bit of the field.

        Link-layer type (16 bits): a 16-bit value indicating link-layer type 
for packets in the file; it is a value as defined in the PCAP LinkType list 
registry, as defined in [I-D.ietf-opsawg-pcaplinktype].

        Reserved3 (10 bits) :not used - MUST be set to zero by pcap writers, 
and MUST NOT be interpreted by pcap readers; a reader SHOULD treat a non-zero 
value as an error.

        P (1 bit): a bit that, if set, indicates that the Frame Check Sequence 
(FCS) length value is present and, if not set, indicates that the FCS value is 
not present.

        R (1 bit): not used - MUST be set to zero by pcap writers, and MUST NOT 
be interpreted by pcap readers; a reader SHOULD treat a non-zero value as an 

        FCS len (4 bits): a 4-bit unsigned value indicating the number of 
16-bit (2-octet) words of FCS that are appended to each packet, if the P bit is 
set; if the P bit is not set, and the FCS length is not indicated by the 
link-layer type value, the FCS length is unknown. The valid values of the FCS 
len field are between 0 and 15; Ethernet, for example, would have an FCS length 
value of 2, corresponding to a 4-octet FCS.

> As far as I understand, this translates into the following 5-bit value
> space (P-FCSlen):
> 0-0000: FCS length is unknown.
> 0-0001: 2-octet FCS is absent. <-- ???


> This looks redundant, unless the case "FCS length is unknown" is not
> the same as "FCS is absent".

They're not the same.

At least for Ethernet, whether packet capture provides an FCS for incoming 
packets depends on the driver, etc.

*Most* of the time, the FCS isn't present by default, but one of my earliest 
machines at Apple, a Power Mac, *did* provide the FCS, which was passed on to 
libpcap via the BPF capture mechanism.  That's why Wireshark has heuristics to 
try to guess whether an FCS is present; the guess is based on

        1) knowing how long the Ethernet payload was, based on the dissector 
for the next protocol indicating the length (based on the total packet length 
in protocols such as IPv4 and IPv6, based on the length field in protocols that 
have a length field rather than a Ethertype field, and on other mechanism for 
protocols such as ARP);

        2) knowing that a received packet may be padded out to 60 bytes without 
the FCS and thus 64 bytes with the FCS.

Linux can, with various ethtool ioctls, provide it or not, at least if the 
adapter supports it.

For Wi-Fi, the radiotap header has a flag to indicate the FCS presence.  
There's no Ethernet metadata header, unfortunately; pcapng, at least, has 
fields to provide that on a per-packet basis.

So probably what "FCS length is unknown" means should be specified on a 
per-linktype-basis.  For Ethernet, it's "maybe present, maybe not, try a 
heuristic if you want, but assuming it's absent will probably work in most 

> Also it is not clear why the presence and size of an FCS are not details of 
> the LINKTYPE_ specification.

For PPP, the FCS length is negotiable to 0 (absent), 2 (default), or 4 bytes:


pcapng allows per-packet FCS lengths, which allows indicating 1) "this frame 
doesn't have an FCS" (e.g., because it's an outgoing frame) or 2) "we 
negotiated a larger FCS".  In practice, perhaps having an "IDB update" block 
(or "this is an update to IDB n" option to an IDB) would have been the right 
way to handle PPP negotiation, and an "FCS not present" bit in the packet block 
flags option would have been the right way to handle outgoing frames or other 
frames that lack an FCS.

> Also do link-level types exist that have FCS size not a multiple of 2 octets 
> or
> more than 30 octets?

There are some link-level types for "raw USB 2.0" rather than "USB message 
logging" that you get from Linux/FreeBSD/macOS/USBPcap/etc., which presumably, 
if they include token frames, have a 5-bit CRC for that frame.

> Since the high 16 bits of this field come from a WIP document, it seems
> likely the encoding will change before settling,

Possibly, but it's been around for a while, and Wireshark already interprets it 
in that fashion; it's not all that new.
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