Re: [tcpdump-workers] Devices and adresses in libpcap

2008-04-13 Thread David Rosal
Thanks Guy.

By the way: Have you had a look at libpcap++?

The web page is:

Your opinion would be specially appreciated.

Anyway, thanks for the help.



2008/4/12, Guy Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 David Rosal wrote:

  As far as I know, each network interface (for example eth0), can have
  different adresses, because in pcap_findalldevs(), a pcap_if_t does not
  a single pcap_addr_t but a linked list of all  addresses for each

 Yes, it can have multiple addresses, and, yes, pcap_findalldevs() returns
 all of the ones it can get.

  But pcap_lookupnet() only returns one address for a given

 Yes, it returns only one address.

  So the question is: If pcap_lookupnet() only returns one address
  (and its netmask), does it mean that it discards all the other addresses
  for that device?

 Yes, it discards any other addresses for the interface.  On UN*X, it
 returns the IP address and mask you get from an SIOCGIFADDR and
 SIOCGIFNETMASK ioctl, which is probably the first of the IP addresses; on
 Windows, it gets the entire set of address/mask pairs and returns only the
 first one.
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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Devices and adresses in libpcap

2008-04-13 Thread David Rosal
2008/4/13, Giovanni Venturi [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 You should add on the website what libpcap++ has in addition to libpcap in

Well, libpcap++ is only a wrapper, and it does not add any new feature to
libpcap, except maybe the abbility to retrieve some attributes of pcap
descriptors that are hidden in libpcap.

In other words: all you can do with libpcap can be done with libpcap++, but
with less lines of code, and in a cleaner and safer way.

Here's a little program that captures the first 10 TCP packets seen on
interface wlan1, and writes them in a savefile called out. With error
checking, of course.

First the C version:


#include pcap.h

static void handler(u_char *user, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const
u_char *datap)
pcap_dump(user, header, datap);

int main()
pcap_t* pcap;
pcap_dumper_t* dumper;
struct bpf_program bpf;
char ebuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE + 1];

if (!(pcap = pcap_open_live(wlan1, 64, 1, 0, ebuf)))
errx(pcap_open_live(): %s, ebuf);

if (pcap_compile(pcap, bpf, tcp, 0, 0)  0)
errx(pcap_compile(): %s, pcap_geterr(pcap));
if (pcap_setfilter(pcap, bpf)  0)
errx(pcap_setfilter(): %s, pcap_geterr(pcap));

if (!(dumper = pcap_dump_open(pcap, out)))
errx(pcap_dump_open(): %s, pcap_geterr(pcap));

if (pcap_loop(pcap, 10, handler, (u_char *)dumper)  0)
errx(pcap_loop(): %s, pcap_geterr(pcap));



Now the C++ version:


#include pcap++.h
#include iostream

using namespace pcappp;

void handler(Pcap pcap, Packet const pkt)

int main()
try {
PcapLive pcap(wlan1);
pcap.loop(handler, 10);
catch (Exception x) {
std::cerr  x.what()  std::endl;


What do you think?

I personally prefer the C++ code, since it is more brief and clear. And the
performance should be almost the same, as critical methods like
Pcap::get_dumper() have been inlined in libpcap++.

BTW: Thanks for your comment. I hace found a bug in Pcap::set_filter() while
writing the above snippets  :-P


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[tcpdump-workers] Devices and adresses in libpcap

2008-04-12 Thread David Rosal

Let me present myself: I am David Rosal, from Barcelona.

I have written a C++ wrapper for libpcap, called libpcap++.

I have implemented almost all pcap functions in the library, and now I am
trying to implement pcap_lookupnet(). But after reading the pcap man page
carefully, there's still something that I don't understand:

As far as I know, each network interface (for example eth0), can have
different adresses, because in pcap_findalldevs(), a pcap_if_t does not hold
a single pcap_addr_t but a linked list of all  addresses for each
interface/device.  But pcap_lookupnet() only returns one address for a given
device. So the question is: If pcap_lookupnet() only returns one address
(and its netmask), does it mean that it discards all the other addresses
for that device? Or does the addresses field of a pcap_if_t hold always only
one pcap_addr_t?

Well, I hope you'll understand what I am trying to say, despite my poor

Thanks in advance for any help. And if you want to take a look at the code
of libpcap++ please browse the SVN repository as it is under rapid


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Re: [tcpdump-workers] regarding offset IP packet

2006-07-14 Thread David Rosal


Hi guys,

 I am trying to print offset value for IP packet through this code.


 I am not getting the right value, what's missing.

ip_off is an u_short, so byte order issues apply. Try this:

printf(%d|, ntohs(ippkt-ip_off));

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] pcap_loop() not returning after

2006-06-27 Thread David Rosal

Richard Hansen wrote:
If pcap_breakloop() is called in a signal handler, and the signal in 
question isn't set up to restart system calls, that should 
let the loop terminate cleanly.  If it's not called in a signal 
handler, i.e. if there's no signal that was delivered to the process, 
that won't help.

Can I send a signal myself to get it to terminate cleanly?  If so, is there a 
good reference for how to do this?  (Sorry, I'm new to C and *nix programming 
and I don't know much about signals.)

The function raise() sends a signal to the own process. Type man 
raise for more information.

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[tcpdump-workers] Problems with libpcap and C++

2006-06-14 Thread David Rosal


I'm writing a packet sniffer in C++ using libpcap-0.9.4.

I've tried to use a class function member as a callback for 
pcap_loop(), but the compiler complains that arguments don't 
match. The code is something like this (I have simplified it):


class X
// This is the callback, defined below
void dumper(u_char *u, const struct pcap_pkthdr *h,
const u_char *p);

void X::dumper(u_char *u, const struct pcap_pkthdr *h, const
u_char *p)
// stuff...
pcap_dump(blah, blah, blah);

int main()
X x;

// Open pcap, etc...

pcap_loop(p, -1, x.dumper, 0);


And g++ says this:

In function `int main()': error: argument of type `void (X::)(u_char*, 
const pcap_pkthdr*, const u_char*)' does not match `void 
(*)(u_char*, const pcap_pkthdr*, const u_char*)'

This is not a warning but an error, so I cannot compile the program.

Is there any trick to fix this? Am I missing something?

Should I avoid C++ and use C instead (don't say that please...)


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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Problems with libpcap and C++

2006-06-14 Thread David Rosal

Ury Segal wrote:

The buttom of the problem is this:

You excpect libpcap to call X::dumper in
the context of an instance of class X.
(The real first parameter of X::dumper
is a variable named this of the type X*.)

But the libpcap API is not defining a 

`void (X::)(u_char*,  const pcap_pkthdr*, const

Therefore, you cannot pass a non-static member
function to libpcap. You can make dumper() a 
static member.

Yes. If I make dumper() a static member of class X, then the 
compiler accepts it.

It works even if I use it whithin a concrete instance of X. I 
mean the following two ways are accepted:

X x;
pcap_loop(..., x.dumper, ...);
pcap_loop(..., X::dumper, ...);


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Re: [tcpdump-workers] packet dropping on solaris

2006-05-29 Thread David Rosal


Michele Sciuto wrote:

Hello Jonathan,
we are working at the same topic on a Linux Debian system.

I suggest that you adjust the following kernel parameters in order to
improve the number of packets captured (I don't know the equivalence in

/proc/sys/net/core/rmem_default 409715100 bytes
/proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max409715100 bytes
/proc/sys/net/core/netdev_max_backlog30 pkts

I found this article very useful:

It is about How to achieve Gigabit speeds with Linux, but I 
think Solaris users may find it interesting as well.


Jonathan Khoo wrote:

Hi guys,

I am working on a network monitoring system on solaris. Currently I am
just working on the packet capturing engine and I seems to experience
packet drops. After reading through the archives and goggling, I
suspect that the problem may be due to insufficient buffering in the
kernel. Is there any suggestions on how I can modify pcap-dlpi.c to
increase the kernel buffering?


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[tcpdump-workers] Changing the savefiles produces packet loss

2006-04-03 Thread David Rosal


I've been capturing heavy traffic with tcpdump.

No packets are dropped except when the savefiles are rotated. I know 
that because I use a modified version of tcpdump-3.9.4 that prints 
statistics every minute.

My question is, is it normal to loose packets when closing and opening
the savefiles? How could I avoid that?

Thanks in advance for any help.


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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Changing the savefiles produces packet loss

2006-04-03 Thread David Rosal

David Rosal wrote:


I've been capturing heavy traffic with tcpdump.

No packets are dropped except when the savefiles are rotated. I know 
that because I use a modified version of tcpdump-3.9.4 that prints 
statistics every minute.

My question is, is it normal to loose packets when closing and opening
the savefiles? How could I avoid that?

It would help if that would be any way to close the old file 
asynchronously, but I guess that pcap_dump_close() blocks until the 
savefile is closed, isn't it?

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Re: [tcpdump-workers] Paquets smaller than 64 bytes

2005-11-23 Thread David Rosal

Gianluca Varenni wrote:
The minimum ethernet frame length is 64 bytes *if* you include the FCS. 
Unfortunately, most of the network cards strip the FCS before the packet 
reaches the host, so the actual minimum frame length that you see with 
libpcap is actually 60 bytes.

Hope it helps

Yes it does. Thanks.
But a question arises: If my network card is stripping the FCS (and it 
seems to do so), may I suppose that this is done for all packets? In 
other words, it is safe to add 4 bytes to the sizes of *all* captured 
packets to get the sizes on wire?

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[tcpdump-workers] Missing

2005-08-25 Thread David Rosal


I'm trying to use an application that needs to be linked dinamically 
against libpcap, so it needs to be installed.

I've downloaded libpcap-0.9.3 and installed it, but it only provides the 
static library libpcap.a. I've tried also adding --enable-shared to 
configure but it didn't work.

Is there any hack that I can make to get the shared object? Perhaps 
using an older version of libpcap?


- David
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[tcpdump-workers] Does option -w influence the packet capture?

2005-05-06 Thread David Rosal
I'm using tcpdump-3.7.2 to capture ethernet traffic, and I'm wondering 
why it captures much less packets when I use option -w.

I have done the following test:
I've run tcpdump -s0 many times for 10 seconds each time, and the 
average result is to capture about 100 packets.
I've run tcpdump -s0 -w dumpfile many times for 10 seconds each time, 
and the average result is to capture only 70 or 80 packets.
But both tests have been done in the same computer, at the same hour.

Is this behaviour expected?
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